Page 25 of Reckless Deal

“I appreciate your interest, and I’d love to work full time in your company. I need the job and I’d enjoy it, but to be honest I’ve always seen myself having my own agency. Event planning and social media management.”

“You’d be very good at that. Why is it still a dream?”

God, how much can I safely share with him? Most of it is purely humiliating. I don’t want him to know all the gory details of my circumstances. Not right after he showed me professional respect.

“It’s just a series of unfortunate circumstances that derailed me.” Now I sound like I can’t take responsibility and blame others. “I need a regular paycheck to get back on my feet, and then I’d pursue my agency.”

I avert my eyes, because his gaze is too much. His genuine interest is too much. I don’t deserve it. I’ll fuck it up. I’ll disappoint him. I shouldn’t care, but I do.

“Even setbacks teach us a lot.” He leans forward. For a man who struggles with peopling, he is suddenly all approachable. Understanding. Jesus.

Emotions tickle the back of my eyes. Brian never saw failure as a learning opportunity.

“I understand you don’t think I’m a suitable candidate, knowing I don’t plan to stick around for too long, but I’d still appreciate the opportunity.”And need it desperately.

“Of course. You’ve been with us for a week and your contribution is undeniable. I don’t expect people to sign away their lives to us.”

If he doesn’t stop right now, I’ll start crying. “So you didn’t want to have dinner with Audrey?”

He jerks his head at the change of subject. “You could step up your segue game.” He shakes his head, but one of his rare grins lights up his face. “I don’t think there is a respectful way to describe her… lack of boundaries.”

“Look at you, that’s quite diplomatic, though you could have fooled me. It looked like you were enjoying the conversation.” Wanting to change the topic away from me, I’ve stumbled into equally precarious territory. Why can’t I keep this professional, and on the project itself?

“Things are rarely what they look like.” Gio motions for the check.

His words ring with a raw finality. With experience.Not everyone has the freedom to do things like normal people.Somehow, these two statements are related. Or I’m just reading into things without the right context.

“Is that your personal experience?” Of course I won’t shut up.


The waiter interrupts my inquiry. Probably for the best.

Gio signs the bill and we make our way to the elevators. We ride up alone in the small car. It didn’t feel this small when I checked in. Gio fills the space with his impressive stature, but it’s the energy thick with electricity and unsaid words pushing me into the corner.

I fix my eyes on the numbers above the door, but all I can focus on is him. His masculine scent in my nostrils. His confident breathing in my peripheral vision. His solid arm brushing against my sleeve.

“This was nice,” he says.

“Yes, thank you for the dinner, and for your compliments.” I smile, but my stomach is clamped with… what is it? Desire? Hope? A bit of discomfort? Delicious discomfort.

“Mila, it wasn’t a compliment. It was an earned assessment of your work. And make no mistake, the dinner was a company expense on a business trip. A working dinner.” His voice is clipped now.

He started by sayingit was nice.



“Good job, Mila. Yesterday’s coverage is not exactly viral, but the volume is impressive. If we continue like this at the other locations, the brand is going to get the boost we planned for.” Marnie pushes herself higher in her bed. “I’m going to sign out now, but discuss the details further with Portia.”

She ends the call and Portia’s face stretches across the screen. “Okay, so externally we are meeting the expectations. How are the employees?”

I lean back in my chair, fidgeting with the sash of my robe. It’s only six o’clock and I didn’t have time to dress before an impromptu catch-up with my managers.

“Honestly, I think it helped that we invited them for drinks. I don’t think they don’t buy into the new concept—it’s more they feel they were completely absent from the process. And with the new management, they are more focused on potentially being replaced. At the end they were incredibly professional, and found the day itself beneficial.”

“A good call on the drinks and other internal meetings. We missed the mark on that one. Sometimes we look at these acquisitions as numbers on a spreadsheet and forget there are those who actually forge the success on the ground. How is Mr. Cassinetti handling it all?”