Page 22 of Reckless Deal

“Really? You’re going to argue terminology? You know very well what I mean. Would it kill you to smile or take a selfie, or talk about the brand with a bit of enthusiasm? Fake it, but get it done.” I beam at him, because we’re in a public space among our guests, but my eyes are shooting daggers.

He drags his tongue over his teeth again. God, I wish he wasn’t doing that. It’s worse than his dimples. It’s languid and predatory. Like I’m his dinner, but he’s not sure how to eat me. Jesus.

“Okay.” He nods.

I open my mouth to argue my next point when his acquiescence registers. “Oh, okay then.” I turn to storm away, but he grabs my arm.

Hot coal. Scorching electricity. Direct line to my core.

I face him, moving slowly, afraid to get closer. I stare at his hand on my arm, and he follows my gaze.

“No more than three minutes with each of them.” He drops my arm, and while the connection was light, I stumble at the loss of it.

“Good.” I toss my hair and march away from him. I’m pretty sure the sweat down my spine is a direct result of his burning glare.

I approach a makeup station where some influencers have gathered.

“Don’t you love these intense, brooding types? God, I wish I lived in New York. I’d be the one to finally claim him,” Audrey @audrey_the_lifestyle_goddess tells her friend, eyeing Gio in the mirror.

“You wish. Claudia has been trying for a year now and can’t lock him in. She’s so tight-lipped about the whole thing. If it wasn’t for her public profile, I wouldn’t believe they’ve been dating.”

“She’s too desperate. I know how to handle men like Giovanni. Imagine the lifestyle that comes with that package.” She purses her lips to apply a coat of lipstick and saunters toward him, adjusting her top to show more cleavage.

Gio is typing on his phone, leaning against the counter. The suit, the confidence, the power, the money—all wrapped up in a fuckable package. Or so Audrey hopes, I’m sure.

She rakes her long nails down his arm as she speaks, and he looks up. I’m about to rush over to make sure he doesn’t send her to hell, but he actually smiles, and before I blink, she’s pulling out her phone and pursing her lips, raising her chin and leaning her head toward him.

A wave of something bitter swoops over me when he smiles for the photo, the sex god personified. I asked him to be more personable, but Jesus.

They talk, while Audrey continues to touch him here and there, and I have enough. Three minutes my ass.

“She has no shame. It’s embarrassing,” Audrey’s friend mutters behind me.

“I think it’s your turn.” I wink at her. She has more followers, after all. This is all professional.

“Audrey, let me show you the Italian collection.” I smile at the eager woman beside Gio. “We have a piece from everything, and you can’t get it anywhere else, not even in our other locations. We work hard to offer a collection that is truly exclusive. Let me introduce you to our store manager.”

She pouts, but her friend seizes the opportunity and introduces herself. I continue working the room, making sure everyone gets a piece of the big boss, and after three hours I’m ready to take off the stupid heels and wrap everything up.

“I didn’t expect we’d make any sales today, but these girls didn’t take just the swag.” Tully approaches me. “It’s good when my crew can make a commission. I still don’t understand why money was spent on a new logo, but I got a flavor of what we’re trying to achieve, and there are some good pieces involved.”

“You and your crew are natural, none of the guests today felt they were sold to. They were simply offered a glimpse of a lifestyle and they wanted it.”

“You brought the right crowd in.”

I grin. God, I’m a glutton for praise. “Tully, that’s my job. I can’t take credit for much more though, I’ve been with the company for a week.”

“Really? But you two”—she beckons her head toward Gio, who is talking to Audrey again—“work so well together. There is a natural rhythm, you complement each other, and he clearly respects you.”

I almost spit out the water I’ve just raised to my lips. “I don’t know about respect, but Gio is fair and results-driven. When you deliver, he lets you breathe.”

“He’s cold, and definitely not a people person. But he’s smart, and I’m pretty sure he values you. And perhaps fancies you as well.”

My eyes widen. “Tully.”

“My lips are sealed. But if you ever need to report him to human resources, I’ll provide testimony.”

“Oh, I ensure you there is nothing to report.” Oh my God, I need to keep my distance, because people see things that don’t exist.