Page 1 of Reckless Deal



“The two largest arrangements go on each side of the door from the outside to frame the entrance. Two on each side of the podium, and I’ll decide on the others once you bring them all in,” I instruct the flower delivery guy.

“The place looks wonderful,” London Lowe, my client, exclaims as she enters.

“I’m glad you like it.” I smile and she steps back. The woman seems scared of any human interaction, particularly the pleasant ones. I’ve been a bit mean and have enjoyed her reactions to my smiles.

“You should get ready now.” She drags her eyes up and down me with a look that suggests either concern or disgust.

My hair is messy, my makeup is non-existent, and my dress is still on its way because my sister got lost.

I beam at London to hide my lack of preparedness. “I’ll take care of the flower arrangements, and then I take care of myself.” Or so I hope.

Almost an hour later I bounce down the steps in front of the venue, praying Annie gets here soon. Across the street, an elderly man attempts to step into the traffic with a shaky gait.

He is not your problem, Mila.Damn it. I cross the road. “Let me help you.”

His eyes shine with gratitude as I clasp my hands around his elbow and help him shuffle to the other side. We still have several feet to reach the curb when the endless snake of cars moves, honking as if that could speed us up.

It speeds up my heart rate for sure, but it’s not like I can rush him. When we finally step onto the sidewalk, I gently disconnect my hold of him and give it another few seconds that I don’t have to make sure he’s okay.

Finally, Annie trudges into sight, holding a clothes carrier, pushing a stroller and heralding seven-year old Aidan alongside the relentless traffic. Sweat covers her skin and the frown on her face screams of pain.

A pang of guilt zaps through me. I worked at a coffee shop on the other side of town yesterday and lost track of time. It shouldn’t have happened. I should be on top of things more. I shouldn’t have missed my rental dress pickup. For many reasons, but mostly because I can’t afford these mistakes. I can’t afford a contingency plan.

“It’s so heavy,” Annie sighs. “I could have done without the extra half hour detour.”

“I told you to take a cab. Thank you.” I take the bag from her and she winces, trying to disguise it with a weak smile. The dress isn’t heavy, but in her case it might as well be an iron dumbbell.

Fuck. I shouldn’t have asked her to do this.

“I’m so glad I could help, and get out of the house,” she says, as if she can read my mind.

“You saved me.” I give her a hug. “Let me get you a cab. I can bill it to this job, don’t worry.”

She eyes me, probably trying to confirm if I’m lying, but then she nods, the pain ruling over her intentions as always. I kiss all three of them and head back to work.

When I make it inside, my head is spinning. I didn’t have time to eat or drink. Luckily London ordered sandwiches and snacks for all the staff and volunteers, so I’ll eat before I get ready, and then this evening can start.

I unzip the bag and all thoughts of food disappear. I step back and shake my head, my mind racing in many directions, none of them useful. I shake the bag from the hanger and assess the black gown.

It’s beautiful. It’s appropriate for the occasion. There is no way I can wear it. It’s not my size. It’s not the one I reserved.

I grab my phone to call Annie but stop myself. What good would it do to make her feel guilty about the screw-up she didn’t cause?

I look at the sandwiches on the table in the corner, then back at the dress. For the first time in a year, the exhaustion and the finality of my dire existence bring tears to my eyes.

My breakup with Brian and his threats. My sister’s illness. My nephew’s needs. My duty to them and my love for them. And all the jobs I’ve taken to help them out.

It all crashes down and materializes in one stupid gown, and I allow myself a brief breakdown and cry.

* * *

Could I look any more ridiculous? The dress turned out stretchy enough and was only about a size too small. It would fit decently. For someone with a less generous chest region. Not my case.

A square neckline, tight bodice and a long slit up the thigh in a shimmering black would be beautiful. Just not on me.