Page 90 of Reckless Dare

I chuckle at that. “Gio, Dominic and I broke up because I asked him not to take that case. I haven’t spoken to him since he left three weeks ago.”

“Oh.” He takes a sip of his wine. “I’m not an expert in that area.” He fidgets and looks away. It’s funny to see my stern, bossholish brother squirm around an explanation.

“I can’t claim I’m a relationship expert either. I didn’t even want the relationship.” I don’t think I’ve been this confused in a long time.

What does it mean? Why did he drop Napoli? It’s been three weeks since he left. Did he find out Napoli was guilty after all? Or did Dominic’s decision have nothing to do with the case?

“You looked happy with him. He got you, and you’re not the warmest person in the room, but somehow he reveled in your frost and thawed it a bit. Mind you, I didn’t really know him aside from that Christmas lunch.”

“Yes, but he left. He left to defend a criminal.” Finally, my other glass of wine arrives. This time I only take a sip.

“Okay, one mistake. And it looks like he corrected it. When I look at taking over a business, I assess if we can pivot and change.”

“Even if his decision has anything to do with me, there is still the fact he left. He chose his work over me. Over my principles. He stormed away because I challenged him. Again, I have no experience, but if my dad stormed out and left for three weeks every time Bianca challenged him, our family would be together only three months of every year.”

“Come on, your dad is a softie. It would have been at least six months each year.” Gio’s lips quirk up.

“Yeah, but the point is, neither of them ran. I can’t be abandoned like that every time things get complicated.”

“What’s the name of your assistant? Avery?” He makes a gesture with his hand, wading through the air as if he could snatch the answer there. And why are we changing the subject?

“Ashley.” I huff. Where is he going with this?

“Okay, Ashley is important to you, isn’t she?” He plays with his cufflinks.

What the fuck? I nod, scowling.

“Has she ever made a mistake?”

“Of course she has. What are—”

“Did you forgive her?”

“Of course. People make mistakes—”

“But her value outweighed the issue.”

“Are you analyzing my relationship like it’s a business decision?”

“Do you get the point?” he quips.

I chew on my bottom lip, the thin stem of my glass smooth under my fingertips as I run them up and down. One mistake. If Dominic indeed dropped Napoli because of me, am I willing to look past that? But there is a bigger question.

“If he dropped him only because of me, I don’t want to bear such responsibility. It would mean he made a radical change to be with me. Not because it was the better choice, but because I asked. People say relationships require compromises. Perhaps on the smaller, day-to-day stuff they do. But this is a life-changing decision.”

If Dominic made that decision because he felt half as shitty as me about our breakup, if he dropped the murder case to get me back, I don’t think I can live with that. I don’t want him to defend criminals, but at the same I can’t be the sole reason for such a change in his life.

“Relationships are messy. Takeovers, spreadsheets and project management tools are less volatile.” Gio raises his glass.

“But not everything is a fiscal transaction. Are you staying here for dinner?” I gather my purse and stand up. “I’m going home now. Something tells me I have another sleepless night to look forward to.”

Initially, I had planned to stay as long as possible, to escape the void in my place and my heart. But now I’m drawn to my home, because what if… That’s stupid. Still, I hope Dominic might be there, across the hallway, waiting for me.

Cesare is not working tonight, and I’m disappointed because his face would give me a hint. I know I’m being unreasonably optimistic about the development.

I told Gio I wouldn’t accept if Dominic dropped Napoli just for me, but who am I kidding? My body is practically vibrating with need. And my heart? My poor heart needs a win. Badly.

I march out of the elevator, half expecting the wall to be lined with boxes. There are no boxes anywhere, of course. I hesitate for a moment, and then I knock at his door.