Page 63 of Reckless Dare

Maybe last night was just a result of adrenaline and cold. I get off the elevator and consider wishing Happy New Year to Micah and Bianca, but I decide to stay away.

What good would come from growing attached to her family? I’m leaving in three months. Perhaps sooner.

I spent Christmas with them, and it was the best holiday I’ve had in years. My family doesn’t give a shit about inviting me anymore, and usually I just go somewhere exotic.

Bianca hired a chef, Paris talked a hundred miles an hour, Micah didn’t feel well enough to play chess. London’s brother Gio kept staring into empty space and everyone fussed around him because it was apparently weird that he didn’t spend the day on his phone. Overall, it wasn’t a great night, and yet the best Christmas for me.

And that’s the problem. I’m alone here, so I’m grateful for any company. Perhaps I should head back to Chicago at the end of this month. Right after I complete the pro bono cases I’ve started.

I can get Nia involved and work with her remotely. I don’t need to stay here longer. I’m pretty sure I’ve recovered.

I get home, take a hot shower, and have several slices of the banana bread. It really is very good. I’m about to open my laptop when someone knocks.

Alarm bells sound in my chest as my eyes land on Paris.

“What’s going on?” She looks even more like London without makeup.

“Nothing. Well, London is sick.”

My stomach tightens. “You drank a lot last night.” But even as I say it, I know Paris wouldn’t come over if it was just a hangover.

She shudders. “Don’t remind me, but Lo has a fever. It’s probably just a cold, but it’s dangerous for Dad. He can’t catch anything right now. Can she stay with you? I mean, she is protesting and wants to go to a hotel, but—”

“Of course.” I dash across the hallway, Paris on my heels.

I march straight to London’s bedroom. Curled in the fetal position, in the middle of her bed, she looks so small. I swipe her sweaty hair from her face and she groans.

“Fuck, Chils, I’m buying you a new coat.” I scoop her up and she groans again.

“Leave me be. I just need to sleep.” Her protest falls short as she snuggles her face into the crook of my neck. Her skin is like a furnace.

I don’t know how to care for a sick person. But that doesn’t stop me from carrying her across the hallway to my place. She is sick, but she is breathing, and she is in my arms.

I can protect her. I need to protect her. I’ll sort out what those feelings mean later.

“Hopefully the fever breaks soon. I need to go home and pack for my skiing trip, but if you need anything, call me. I’ll write down my number, and Sydney’s too,” Paris says as I stride into my bedroom. “Thank you,” she sighs, hesitating in the door. “Maybe I should cancel my trip.”

I place Chils gently in my bed and tuck the comforter around her. “You don’t have to. Go ski. I’m sure she’ll sleep through this and be better by tonight.”

* * *

I couldn’t have been more wrong. By the late afternoon, London is burning up.

“Where is my cat?” She pats around her. “I want my Kitty.”

Jesus, she’s delirious. She doesn’t even have a cat. She keeps patting the bed, then falls into a restless slumber.

She hasn’t drunk or eaten anything and I’m out of my mind. I sit in the bed with her and hold her because, fuck, I don’t know what else to do.

I’m soaked in her sweat, but I don’t let go, although my body heat is probably not the best thing for her.

Screw it. I’m so out of my depth here. I scoot her to the side and go to get a glass of water, and my phone to call the doctor I used to have on call for the Da Bonno family.

Her chest expands and contracts as she breathes. The frantic flutter under her eyelids confirms her body or mind is fighting something.

My eyes study the curves of her face. Ridden with her constant worry, fighting the sickness, and so beautiful even as she glistens with sweat. Light from the window dances across her pale skin. I want to touch her, but she looks so fragile.

I wait for the physician, sitting by her side, helpless. I hate the hopelessness taking residence in my heart. I’m lost here. Unable to help her, but also scared shitless by all the emotions.