Page 61 of Reckless Dare

I throw a hundred-dollar bill to the woman minding the coat check to get us out as quickly as possible.

“You’re jealous, Cressard. My lawyer fought over me.” Chils giggles, hooking her arm in Paris’s as they both stumble out of the club.

I try to control my breathing as I crack my knuckles. Chils is completely oblivious to my mood, which pisses me off more.

“Who was the dickhead,baby? And I’m not jealous,” I roar. “But I won’t stand by while someone ogles and touches you.” The irrational, dark energy spreads through me like poison.

“That’s so romantic.” Paris shimmies her shoulders.

Fucking women. I turn my back on them and look at the sky, but no comfort comes from there, so I whirl back. “Who was he?” I don’t even know why I’m insisting on this.

“Who? Ash? I met him when Sydney started dating Hunter.” London spreads her arms and sways as though she wants to fly.

I swear to God I’ll need dentures if I don’t relax my jaw soon. It might be the fresh air or the aftermath of her shiny smile. Or simply the fact we’re out of the glimmering hellhole, but my anger dissipates slightly.

It’s replaced by the realization I just acted like a caveman. London Lowe inspires this kind of behavior in me. The fact rolls around my stomach like an undigested meal. Why do I care?

I shake my head and assess the street. It’s freezing, and the chance of a cab is non-existent with thousands of locals and tourists roaming the streets in celebration.

I look at the two women by my side. Paris is bundled in a long fur coat, but Chils—who doesn’t spend money on unnecessary things—shivers in her short fur cape. Fuck me.

“Do you have your driver waiting?” I take off my coat and put it around her shoulders.

“Of course not. I gave him a week off to spend with his family. I’m not some cruel slave master.” She wraps her arms around my waist.

I want to ask her what the driver’s name is because I’m sure she doesn’t know, but I bite my tongue. Now is not the time—or temperature—for arguments.

Also, I enjoy how her warmth spreads through me. A drunk Chils smiles and clings, and I kind of like this version.

It scares the shit out of me.

“Happy New Year, boyfriend,” London yells, raising her arms above her head and doing a little dance.

Paris joins her and soon they are both doubled over in a fit of laughter. If I wasn’t half frozen, I might enjoy the sight.

Right now, I’m more worried about getting two tipsy women home without catching pneumonia, and ignoring the feelings swimming in my bloodstream.

The club is only a few blocks from our building, but it may as well be on another continent by the time we get there. I doubt even a hot shower will make me feel warmer. Or less annoyed. Fucking Ash, and all the other assholes.

Chils leans into me in the elevator and her body soothes me a bit. I can’t help myself and kiss her hair, and she makes a noise somewhere between a sigh and a moan.

“You guys are so cute.” Paris yawns.

I look at us in the mirror. Paris is the only person who knows we aren’t truly dating, but I have to agree with her, this moment is anything but fake. I don’t want to define it.

“Happy New Year.” Paris kisses us both before she stumbles into Chils’s apartment.

“Thank you for defending my honor tonight.” Chils looks at me through hooded eyes, her hands gripping the lapels of my suit.

There is kindness in her eyes, and I want to remember this moment forever because she feels like home. And because there is no way I want—can allow myself—to explore this closeness. I don’t do shit like this.

“And thank you for your coat.” Her voice is breathy, and I wish I didn’t find her so irresistible.

I lower my lips to hers. She tastes like alcohol, but even if she didn’t, the kiss is intoxicating. She moans against my mouth and parts her lips.

I angle her head and savor the softness and warmth of her. I cup her cheeks. They are freezing cold, but still, touching her sends heat through my body.

As always, my mouth on her fills me with need, but tonight it also spreads a new feeling of warmth everywhere. It’s different. More intimate. More vulnerable. Definitely scarier.