Page 69 of Reckless Dare

What else is there to say? It seems perverse that Madeleine has just died and we are already focused on the future. Calling the next person on the long waiting list we have. I hate this.

I don’t see my car anywhere, so I sit down on a step, sad and overwhelmed. Yet again, useless, aching from the lack of control over situations like this. Squeezing my knees close to me, I lower my forehead and exhale.

The air tastes like a popsicle, a smoggy one. The wind sweeps under my collar, making me shiver. Even in the warm long coat Dominic insisted on giving me, making an unwarranted fuss about me not taking care of myself enough, I’m cold. Too cold. Too lonely.

“You’re gonna freeze your ass, Chils.”

I look up. Dominic stands at the foot of the stairs like a motorcycle model in jeans and a hoodie with a bomber jacket. It’s not fair how good the man looks.

“I gave your car to a family that came to the clinic. They would have gotten lost and frozen. Let me take you home. Uber awaits, my lady.” He stretches his arm and I take his hand.

And just like that, I’m not alone.

We drive home in silence. He doesn’t ask me what happened. Either he’s heard or he doesn’t need the details to understand what I need.

Well, I don’t even know what I need, but as we get off the elevator at home, he kisses me and then steers me toward his place. “We have an appointment in the books for right now.”

His breath in my ear gets all my muscles taut and my core tingling. We have nothing scheduled for today, but I’m not protesting. I need him to get me out of my head, and sex with him does the job the best.

By the time we reach his bedroom, Dominic has shed his jacket and hoodie and he is pulling my sweater over my head. Our pants fall to the floor.

“What do you need, Chils?”

I push him to the bed and straddle him, taking what I need with abandon. His skin is like velvet under my fingertips as I explore the endless expanse of his muscles.

I’m wet the minute I feel his skin against mine. I position him at my entrance, and as I lower myself down, I’m filled with a lot more than just his cock.

To escape the influx of emotions, I set a pace that gets me out of my head the fastest, and when I curl my toes, screaming his name and clenching around this beautiful man, I realize this is the first time he gave me control in the bedroom.

I wish he hadn’t.



Chils’s climax drags me over the edge, squeezing my cock to the last drop. She collapses beside me, with her back to my side, and I wrap my arm and leg around her.

We’re a mess of sweaty limbs and ragged breaths. I’ve never enjoyed cuddling after sex, but today she needs all my attention.

“Thank you,” she whispers. She sounds remote. Her body, warm and damp, is here with me, but her mind and soul are fighting somewhere else. In a place I have no access to, and I shouldn’t want to have it. Yet here we are.

This woman somehow unravels me every single time. I don’t know anymore if it’s still a challenge to conquer her defenses just to prove I can. Because it feels like anything but.

I want her to share with me, which is deranged. Until recently, I believed sharing with a woman was a clear path to getting tied down. Not interested. Then why do I want my fake girlfriend to share with me?

“For what?” I kiss her shoulder.

When I saw her car in front of the hospice, I called Chils, but she didn’t answer, so I called Ashley to confirm I could use the car. She told me about Madeleine. I didn’t know the lady, but Chils spent lots of time with her.

“For making me feel less lonely.”

Her words pull at my heart. Allowing me to see her vulnerability feels as if she left a door to a secret chamber slightly ajar, not protecting herself with anger, but leaning into her pain and the intimacy between us.

I don’t fucking know what to do with such trust. I do know, however, at this moment, I don’t want to be anywhere else. At the same time, I don’t want the responsibility. That’s not right. I do want the responsibility, but it’s hard to accept that I do.

When I pulled back after the New Year’s party, I was sure it was the right choice for both of us. When I carried her sick into my bed just a few hours later, I didn’t want to stay away anymore. Out of my mind while she fevered in my bed, I realized I no longer want us to be a ruse.

You got yourself a girlfriend, asshole, don’t fuck it up.Rocco summed up the situation when I spoke to him. I don’t fuck things up. I don’t fail. So I went and bought the goddamned building.