“Get out of my way,” Bryan growled from a few feet away.

“Why are you trying to kill her?” Marek snarled.

“She is a descendant of the Hexanaja. Her blood will open the seal and kill us all.”

“I don’t care who you think she is. I won’t let you touch her.” Marek spread his feet wide in preparation for battle.

“Typical vampire. Selfish to the end,” Bryan scoffed and launched himself at Marek.

Marek dodged Bryan’s slash and kicked. Bryan whirled away but charged back instantly. The fae was insanely fast, his claws slicing open Marek’s skin. Marek held nothing back. He was fighting for his life. Not only his, but Olivia’s as well.

“I don’t want to kill you,” Bryan hissed, throwing Marek to the ground with his fingers around Marek’s throat.

“You kill her, you might as well kill me.”

Marek threw a punch at Bryan’s face. Bryan leaped away, toward Olivia. Marek lunged forward and knocked into Bryan’s back. They rolled on the ground, punching and kicking and slashing. Grunts and curses filled the air. He had to protect his mate.

Eliminate the threat.

Bryan jumped back when Marek’s claws sliced open his throat. Marek didn’t know if fae had any weaknesses, but he figured Bryan was unlikely to survive a beheading.

The injury on Bryan’s neck healed even before it turned red from blood.

Bryan lifted his hand, palms flat. A ball of darkness grew until it was about the size of a cantaloupe. The hairs on the back of Marek’s neck rose, his instincts warning him not to go near it.

“I’m sorry to do this, Marek. I’ve always liked you, but I can’t allow her to live.”

The ball of magical energy streaked toward Marek like a bullet. If he moved, it would hit the car behind him. Marek widened his stance and readied himself for whatever the magic would dish out.

At the last second, when Marek could feel the projectile’s dark energy peeling away his skin, something shot from his left and slammed into the shadowy ball.


His world erupted to shades of brilliant browns and yellows. The force of the explosion hit him like a freight train, launching him into the air. Damn it. Two explosions in two days. His breath rushed out when he slammed into the SUV, his bones protesting the force of the impact.

Marek groaned as he slid to the ground, feeling like he’d been crushed by a trash compactor. Two broken ribs. He was lucky the hit hadn’t snapped his spine. Better than burning to death, he decided.

As his vision returned, he watched Bryan slowly struggle to his feet. Marek tuned out the worst pain and forced his limbs to move. He snuck a glance at Olivia. She’d passed out but was still breathing.

He needed to finish this quickly. He turned in the direction of the orange lightning and saw Andrea. Small streaks ranging from the darkest brown to the lightest yellow danced in her hand.

“Get him into this circle,” she shouted, pointing to the white chalk lines surrounding her.

Marek nodded. For whatever reason, Andrea wanted to help Olivia. Despite his distrust of witches, he was willing to take whatever help he could get.

Bryan snarled at Andrea. “This is none of your business, witch.”

Andrea shrugged as if Bryan were an everyday thug instead of an ancient, magical being who could blow her to smithereens. “Olivia’s my friend. I won’t let you kill her.”

Rowan, Darren, I need you to distract Bryan,Marek said. He wasn’t strong enough to physically force Bryan into the circle, so he’d have to trick the fae.

Got it. On our way,Rowan replied.

When Marek straightened, Bryan’s attention snapped back to him. He jumped to the side when a wall of fire erupted from where he stood.

“I’m not done with you yet, pretty boy,” Andrea shouted, a maniacal grin on her face, her hair flying around her like a madwoman. Magic, wild and barely contained, danced around her. Marek could taste it in the air and feel its heavy caress against his skin. Andrea was a shitload stronger than she looked.

Marek was grateful he hadn’t challenged the witch before.