“No, let’s keep going,” Olivia protested, though she’d nodded off twice already. It was almost sunrise, and she’d been up since noon. They’d lost precious time the night before—her skin flushed just thinking about it—so she was determined to make up for it.
Marek stood up and stretched. His shirt rode up, revealing his six-pack, and Olivia sternly berated herself to focus and not drool.
“Come. I want to show you something,” Marek said and pulled off his shirt.
Olivia clung the tablet tight to her chest. “Been there. Done that. Thank you very much.”
He was suddenly bending over her, way too close, way too masculine. “Was once enough?”
Her pulse shot up, and she struggled for a response when all she wanted was to run her hands all over his body. He pulled away and flashed her a grin. “Anyway, that’s not what I meant. I want to take you somewhere.”
“Oh.” Olivia chewed her lips. “But Betsy…I can’t leave her.” Even though someone was always watching Betsy, she didn’t like the idea of going anywhere, in case something happened. What if she was out getting a coffee and Betsy suffered a heart attack?
“We won’t be gone long, and it’s only five minutes away. If her condition changes, I’ll bring you right back. I promise.”
She didn’t doubt him. He’d proved he wouldn’t put Betsy’s life at risk, so she nodded. “All right.”
“Tristan, lower the windows.” Marek strode over as the glass panes slowly moved downward with a whirring sound. Olivia’s breath caught when he spread his midnight wings. No matter how many times she saw them, she’d always marvel at their beauty.
“Where are we going?” she asked as he lifted her.
“It’s a surprise. Are you ready?”
Olivia wrapped her arms tight around his waist and settled her head right below his shoulder. “Yeah.”
Marek stepped off the ledge, his wings expanding. A moment of weightlessness, where her stomach lodged in her throat before a powerful beat of his wings lifted them upward. In the horizon, the first hint of orange mingled with the cloudless night sky. Vegas sprawled out below them, its lights glittering like multicolored jewels.
Smiling, Olivia watched the rising sun and inhaled. This high up, the air was fresh and cool, rejuvenating her weary bones.
Minutes later, Marek landed on the roof of the tallest building in Vegas, the Central Tower, the seat of the city’s vampire government. After setting her on her feet, he helped her onto the raised edge.
“Is this some complicated way to kill me?” Olivia asked jokingly, but her heart hammered in her chest. To be fair, she was high up with her legs dangling over nothing. It wouldn’t take much for her to fall.
“If I want to kill someone, I don’t waste time like this,” Marek said and sat down beside her. His wings retracted. He tugged her closer and pointed to the east. “Watch.”
Olivia could stare at him all day, at the way the light danced over his smooth skin, but she forced herself to look away. The orange on the horizon had grown wider, brighter, along with the swathes of pink and red and purple.
“It’s beautiful.” She stole a quick glance at Marek, who stared straight ahead, mesmerized. He was leaned back slightly, his other arm supporting both their weight, his lips tilting into a contented smile.
“Yes. It’s my favorite view.”
Her stomach flipped in a strange way. This was the first time he looked utterly at peace. Relaxed. And seeing him like this shot a dose of happiness into her as well.
Smiling, Olivia looked at the brightening sky again. The shadows of the city’s buildings deepened as the first curve of the sun rose above the horizon, and she had to squint her eyes.
Neither of them said anything as they watched the stunning explosion of color. Marek’s ease and comfort seeped into her, and her worries dissipated.
There was only him, and her, and this perfect moment.
When the sun had risen fully over the horizon, Marek sat up straight, his keen gaze landing on her. His skin was flushed. Even though Vegas had an electromagnetic shield that allowed vampires out in the sun, it did not completely negate the damage.
“You said we should get to know each other. Well, I love sunrises.” A charming smile. “Now you know two more things about me.”
“A vampire who loves sunrises.” Olivia shook her head. “It must’ve been hard before Vegas.”
“It was. Before, I couldn’t watch the entire time. Some days, I was determined to do so, but the pain was too much.”
“If it hurts so much, why do you do it?” Without Vegas’ barrier, vampire skin charred to ash the instant sunlight touched it. She’d read it was like burning alive, but a hundred times worse.