“Let it go. Release it.”

At Olivia’s questioning look, Andrea nodded in encouragement. “Do it.”

She was loathe to let go and wasn’t even sure she knew how, but the answer came to her immediately. In a way, she could distinguish her magic from the wider magic of the world. All it took was cutting the tether connecting her magic to her.

The instant it was gone, vanishing into their surroundings, Olivia’s vision wavered. As she tilted to the side, she caught herself with an arm on the ground.

“Why am I so tired? I didn’t even use that much magic.”

Andrea helped her stand up. “Because you’re new at this. Even if you don’t think you’ve used a lot, there’s always some leakage. Besides, you used a lot yesterday, so you’re not at full strength.”

They tottered over to the couch where Olivia lay down on her back. She heard Andrea walking to the kitchen but was too tired to turn her head.

“Here. Have some water.”

Olivia held the glass with both hands as she guzzled down the water. “Thanks.”

“Maybe this wasn’t the best idea,” Andrea muttered once Olivia finished. “You should get some rest. Your mate was right.” She sighed as though it hurt to admit. “We can try again tomorrow, or the day after when you feel better. Shouldn’t have rushed it. I’ll be here.”

Olivia blinked hard to keep her vision stable as she sat up. “How long are you staying?”

“Until everything is over.”

Her brain processed Andrea’s meaning in a slow wave. “You mean the threat to my life.”

Andrea nodded.

“Do you know when it will happen?”

“Not exactly, but it’ll be soon. Granted, it could be between a week or a year. Either way, I’ll be here.”

“I still don’t understand why you’re helping me. Don’t get me wrong. I’m grateful, but why?” Back at the hospital, Olivia had been too exhausted and concerned about her own safety to get a real answer from Andrea.

“It’s complicated, but I have to help you survive to return to my real home.” Andrea grinned. “You should let Marek know I’m here for purely selfish reasons. Maybe then he’ll trust me.”

“Maybe.” Her brows furrowed. “What do you mean your real home? I thought you lived in California?”

“A story for another day,” Andrea said with a melancholy smile. “Anyway, now you can be a good girl and rest. If Marek asks, we did no magic practice today.” She made a gesture to zip her lips shut.

Olivia wasn’t going to push if Andrea wasn’t ready to share, so she repeated the gesture. “I promise. He’ll hear nothing from me.”

“Good. Anything else you need? Want to return to your room?”

Olivia shook her head. She didn’t trust herself to walk yet. “I’ll stay here with Betsy a little longer. Can you call Kate?”

“Thanks for all your help again,” Olivia said after Andrea summoned Kate.

“You can thank me once all this is over. Enjoy the rest of your evening and call me if you need anything.”

“I will.”

The next day, Olivia roused from another hot yet unsatisfying sex dream of Marek. At least this time they’d had sex, with Marek’s muscular form covering hers as he pleasured her. Her thighs quivered from the short orgasm as her core squeezed from the dream.

Olivia groaned and rolled to her side. Maybe she should visit a doctor. Surely, she was experiencing some kind of hormonal imbalance.

This was what happened when her brain lacked sufficient stimulation. Yes, she’d been physically worn out the last few days, but her mind hadn’t been working to the same degree as she was used to, which had to explain the sudden influx of physical lust.

Well, that was one problem within her power to solve today.