Marek felt like punching something. “That fast, huh?”

“Oh yeah, you scaring an entire hospital shitless and tossing humans like trash? That’ll go real well for our image.”

“Fuck.” He scrubbed a hand down his face, then repeated his curse when his phone beeped with another call.

Stephen. Their race’s liaison with Washington DC, the blond, blue-eyed boy-next-door vampire whom humans loved.

If Stephen was calling him, he was in deep shit.

He let it go to voicemail.

“Did you find anything else about Olivia?” Marek asked Sascha, returning to the topic at hand.

“Not yet. I thought you had enough info the last time we talked?”

“So did I, but the Hunters tried to take her.”

“Oh? No wonder. They tried to take your mate. They’re lucky the hospital is still standing.”

Marek didn’t need Sascha pointing out how close he’d been to destroying their race’s well-crafted image of suave and charming businessmen. At least he didn’t kill anyone on screen. They could all be grateful for that.

“If she’s not aware of Zylotech’s connection to the Organization, why did the Hunters come after her?”

Sascha nodded, understanding. “Gotcha. I’ll dig deeper and let you know if I find anything. Should we send you some backup? The Hunters might try again.”

“No, I’m heading back to Vegas tonight. Can you call Sam and asked him to close off the stairway?” Marek told Sascha about his fight and the dead bodies he’d left behind.

“Got it. Also, I know you’re busy…”

“What is it?”

“We just received news of three missing vampires in Denver. They’ve been gone two days.”

“Shit. Have you found them yet?”

“Nope. Rowan is leaving tonight to check it out.”

“That’s good.” Rowan was careful, experienced, and had a tracker implanted. Maybe they’d do the same as last time—have a CDI agent kidnapped on purpose so his tracker could lead them to the other missing vampires.

Eventually, they would need a better tactic. Once he was back in Vegas, he’d spend some time brainstorming their options. He shouldn’t have taken Olivia from Zylotech. She was a distraction he couldn’t afford, not if he wished the CDI to succeed.

Marek wondered if he should’ve allowed her to go with the Hunters, or if he should leave now. She’d never find him. Would she even want to?

Fuck. What was he thinking? He couldn’t leave her. His entire being cried out against the sacrilegious notion. Without knowing she was safe and cared for, he wouldn’t be able to concentrate on anything else.

Weak. He was too weak to fight against the mating bond. Even now, all he wanted was to curl up next to his mate, to savor her softness against him.

“Can the research wait till tonight?” Sascha asked.

“Yeah, go to bed. Also, tell Rowan to be careful.”

“Will do.”

The second his call ended, a text notification popped up. From Stephen.

Answer your fucking phone.

Marek sighed. Two bullets, covered in blood, dropped into the sink. Guess he’d better get the damage control out of the way.