His hands over hers tightened. A frown marred his perfect features. “I’m not joking. You asked me why I picked you out of that parking lot in Zylotech. When I said I sensed something about you, it’s not the magic, it’s not the bracelet, it’s because you are my soulmate.”

Words escaped her. A soulmate? That was so… fake sounding. Like from the movies. Not real life.

He placed her hand over his heart and demanded, “Do you feel that?”

Before she could ask what he meant, she felt it. A thump. Then another. What? It… it sounded like…

“That’s right.” He nodded at her wide eyes. “It’s my heartbeat.”

“But… but vampires’ hearts don’t beat,” she protested automatically, the urge to correct someone getting the better of her.

“Not normally. When we are turned, our hearts stop. It only restarts for one reason, and one reason only.” Olivia’s breath froze in her lungs at his heartfelt expression. “When we meet our soulmate, it starts again. Mine started when I saw you.”

“No, no.” The scientist inside her leaped up in denial. Soulmates weren’t real. Weren’t scientifically proven. Or were they? Had anyone ever tried?

“Olivia.” There it was again, the way her heart tripped over itself when he whispered her name in his sultry voice. “I would not lie about this.”

She didn’t doubt his belief in soulmates. People could believe whatever they wished, but it didn’t mean what he said was the truth. Instead of arguing with him, she asked, “Why are you telling me this now? Why not earlier?”

“Because I want you to trust me.”

A short laugh burst out of her. “That’s funny, because I trust you even less now.”

He said nothing while Olivia giggled uncontrollably. She was finally losing it. This was the last straw. A soulmate? She was being ridiculous, giggling like a schoolgirl, but a soulmate? Ludicrous.

Yet, Marek looked so completely serious she almost wanted to believe him.

“Say that I believe you, which I don’t,” she said after the laughter finally subsided. “It still doesn’t explain why you want to help me. You don’t know me or Betsy. In fact, you think I’m involved with an evil corporation abducting and experimenting on vampires. You threatened to kill me!”

“I wouldn’t have followed through,” he said sheepishly. “I admit, I did lose my temper after learning you, my mate, might be working for the Organization, but I could never harm you.”

Olivia cocked her head to the side. “Hmm, so some kind of biological signal in your brain is all that’s stopping you from killing me? And you’re helping me because some pheromones told you I’m your mate?”

His lips turned down in a frown. “You don’t have to state it that way. Not everything can be explained by science.”

“I can’t help it.” She shrugged. “I don’t believe in anything but science.”

“In all your studies, has anyone been able to explain a vampire’s immortality?” Marek asked her.

“Well, not yet,” she said mulishly, not liking where this was going. “But that’s why we’re still studying it. One day, I’m sure we’ll unlock the secret to immortality.”

“And one day, you’ll find proof of the pheromones or whatever is driving my need to help you. Until then, you’ll have to take me at my word. I promise I won’t harm you or your sister.”

It might be silly, but she sensed his sincerity. Despite his threats, she believed he wouldn’t hurt her. Or was that wishful thinking? If being soulmates compelled him to help her, did it have a similar impact on her? Was that why her body came alive at his mere presence? Why, even when Betsy’s life was at stake, their kiss was foremost on her mind?

Her eyes dropped to his mouth, and she licked her lips. When she lifted her head, a strangled noise escaped her at the feral hunger in his gaze. Maybe being a vampire’s mate wouldn’t be so bad if he continued to look at her like that.

Someone rapped on the door, snapping Olivia out of his mesmerizing spell. Dr. Wells opened the door and poked his head in. “Sorry to interrupt, but we need to take the body.”

Right. Was she really about to kiss Marek with a dead body in the room? Guilt and disgust swamped her. She had no business kissing him despite how tempting he was.

“Come in.” She stepped back from Marek. As she watched three nurses hurry in and wheel out the bed, it struck her once again it could’ve been Betsy. Now was no time for her stubborn pride to get in the way. She hated to admit it, but Marek knew more about the situation and had more contacts than she did. His help would be invaluable.

She would do whatever it took to save Betsy, even if it meant teaming up with a dangerous and untrustworthy vampire.

“I’ll accept your help,” she said. “It doesn’t mean I agree to be your mate. This is purely a business arrangement to wake Betsy.”

He didn’t look happy with her announcement. “For now.”