“Time to go,” he shouted to the others.

One by one, they boarded the plane. Once everyone settled, Marek closed the gate and gave the pilot the signal to depart. Olivia was only a tiny dot in his senses now. She was still unconscious, but he sent her the thought nonetheless.

Hold on. I’m coming for you.

The others chatted and whiled away the time watching movies and playing games. Every second dragged on like molasses and he wished he could sleep to pass the time. At least the distance between him and Olivia was shortening at an increased pace.

Marek followed their flight path to an obsessive degree. He was aware of the time passing, of them losing night. They’d arrive in Brazil with less than an hour of night left. A lot of things could happen in an hour. It was more than enough to save Olivia and locate shelter.

He expanded his senses as far as possible. At the first hint of her consciousness, the world righted itself, until acrid fear shot down their mating bond, taking his breath away.

Olivia?he shouted into the void.

Marek?Her voice was dim.What? What happened?

He slammed his fist into the wall at her panic, causing several others to leap in their seats.Fuck!

Then he was in the cockpit and snarled, “Can we go faster?”

The pilot clearly had experience dealing with exasperated vampires because he snapped, “Not if you want to live.”

Closer and closer. Every second shortened the distance separating them and made it easier to breathe.

A stab of pain. From Olivia.

Olivia, what’s wrong?

Nothing.Faint. Wincing.My head. It hurts.

It might be the mating bond. We’re too far away.It required tremendous strength even for him to reach her.Stop talking and conserve your strength.Stop reaching for me. I’ll be there soon.

He sensed her nod, but no response. She must be really worn out if she listened to him on the first try.

Marek almost pumped his fists in the air when the pilot announced they were descending. Since they were going to the Ruins, the plane didn’t need to land. Once they reached a reasonable altitude, they would jump out of the plane and fly to their destination.

Marek?Her voice came through clear and strong. She was so close now he could pinpoint her exact location.

What is it?

There are other vampires here.

Marek’s brows furrowed.Vampires?Had they guessed correctly? The Organization had allied with the vampires working for Drakos. Dread lanced through him. He should’ve brought more backup with him…

Yes, they’re running in the forest beside us.Olivia’s voice cut into his tangled thoughts.I think… I think they’re escorting us.

The pilot announced it was time for them to jump, and the plane’s back gate slowly opened. No more time to worry about what-ifs. He couldn’t turn back time and change anything, but he would ensure everyone came out of this alive.

Got it. Stay safe. Don’t antagonize them. I’m almost there.To his team, Marek said,Olivia saw vampires down there. Be extra careful.

The others acknowledged his warning, and Marek leaped.

Olivia moaned as consciousness returned in fits and starts. Her mouth was dry as the desert, her body heavy. Loud. It was so loud. She opened her eyes and took in her surroundings. Wide leather chairs. Rumblings from all around her. A man, Dmitri, sitting opposite her, his gaze warm yet calculating.

Plane. She was on a plane. What? How?

Olivia?Marek’s voice, so faint, so far away.

Marek?Her temples throbbed. Where was he?What? What happened?