“Ready for what?” Alarm shot through her. She pushed the food aside and struggled to her feet when the nurses lifted Betsy from her bed to the gurney. “What’re you doing?”

Marek steadied her when she swayed. “We’re moving to Vegas.”

She blinked. It seemed so long ago when they had that conversation. “What? But… but…” She had plenty of objections, didn’t she? But they all escaped her. Her brain was trapped in fog, unable to produce a single coherent protest.

“It’s the safest place for you two. Betsy will receive the best care.”

The nurses were wheeling the gurney out, along with Betsy’s IV drip. If Olivia felt like she’d been barely clinging onto her normal life, this was the moment the rushing currents of her new reality ripped it away.

Her gaze met Marek’s. She didn’t know what he saw, but he pulled her to him. Her arms wrapped around him of their own accord as she rested her chin against his shoulder.

“You’re fine. Everything will be fine.” His voice was gentle. Soothing. “You can do this, Olivia. I swear, I’ll do everything in my power to protect you and Betsy. Just… please, come with me.”

For the first time since she was a teenager, Olivia drew on someone else’s strengths. How much would it hurt? If she just relied on him and allowed someone else to take the reins for a short while?

It wouldn’t last forever, only until things start to feel more settled, until she didn’t feel like crawling into the closet and drowning her sorrow and stress in a tub of ice cream.

“When we get to Vegas, will you leave me alone for a day or two?” She covered his lips with her hand to cut off his protest. “Please… it’s been too much, and I need some time to sort through things.”

“Fine. If that’s what you need, then you shall have it.”

“Thank you.”

A moment of awkward silence passed before he cleared his throat and released her. “You should finish eating. I’ll go check to make sure they have everything ready.”

She nodded and sat down while Marek left with Dr. Wells. She didn’t think she could eat with worry gnawing at her insides, but she must be hungrier than she thought, because one bite followed another until her bowl was empty.

“Thanks,” she said when Andrea handed her a bottle of water.

“Good job with him,” Andrea said seconds later.


“Vampires aren’t used to boundaries, especially not when it comes to their mates, so it’s good you’re pushing back on him.”

“I’m not doing a very good job, or I wouldn’t be going to Vegas.”

Andrea barked out a laugh. “True, but you’ll get better. Like anything, it takes practice.”

Olivia studied the other woman, who didn’t look much older than herself. Yet, she sensed a wisdom and deep knowledge she herself lacked.

“You know a lot about vampires?”

Andrea, unlike her, hadn’t gobbled down her food like a starving maniac and finished chewing before answering. “Yes, well, when you’re a lone witch living in vampire territory, it pays to learn everything you can about your frenemies.”

Olivia digested the information. “Why live in their territory then? Why not live somewhere else?”

“I like California. I’m not going to let a bunch of stuffy bloodsucking immortals drive me off.”

“I guess you’re not coming to Vegas then?”

“Oh no, I’m coming with you.”

Her relief surprised her. She barely knew the other woman, but Olivia admitted it was nice to have someone else in Vegas, someone who seemed well-versed in the supernatural society. But…

“Why are you helping me? You don’t even know me,” she asked.

“You’re my next task.” Andrea’s expression turned serious. “You are at a crossroads in your life, and it’s important for us both that you survive what’s coming.”