What is it?she asked, her hands suddenly clammy. Ever since they completed the bond, she’d gotten used to his arrogant yet stoic nature, so this out-of-character feeling set her teeth on edge.

A second of hesitation.I’ll tell you in person. I’m coming down.

Hearing his voice in her head was strange, like he was right next to her even though he wasn’t. She was still getting used to the mating bond, to being so intrinsically connected to another being, but Marek knew when she needed space, so he’d gone upstairs to his office for CDI work while she spoke with Andrea.

“Marek’s coming,” Olivia said aloud to Andrea.

“Should I be worried?” Andrea asked with a tense smile.


“Maybe he thinks I tricked you into translating the spell. Made you two work so hard for nothing.”

“No. It’s not that.” Something told her Marek had learned something else. “He’s here.”

The door opened and Marek stalked inside, an irritated scowl tightening his jawline. Olivia imagined a thundercloud hanging over him, just to perfect the image.

“What is it?” she asked.

“Give me your tablet.”

She handed it over, curiosity getting the better of her. Marek made a few taps before handing it back to her, showing her a video ready to be played. He towered over behind her while Andrea scooted her chair over to watch.

Olivia pressed play. The screen revealed a handsome man in his thirties sitting behind a desk in a fancy office. Thick, honey-brown hair framed a chiseled face, and his smile was mesmerizing, except it didn’t reach his eyes. Though Olivia knew it was only a video, she still got goosebumps from the cold calculation emanating from the man.

“Hello, Olivia, my name is Dmitri Cantarelli,” he said. Marek tensed behind her. Whoever this man was, Marek hated him with a blind fury. “I apologize that we must meet like this, but it seems you have not been receptive to my overtures.” Olivia’s brows furrowed in confusion as Dmitri sighed. “That is my fault. I should have sent you this message before sending my men to save you.”Save me?“Sometimes I forget how easily and quickly a human can fall for a vampire’s lies.”

Olivia glanced up at Marek, who looked like he was about to reach into the screen and strangle Dmitri. Dmitri sat up straight and steepled his fingers together.

“I’ll be honest with you, Olivia. I sent my men after you because I need your help, but I don’t expect you to give it for free. In exchange for your help, I’ll make sure Betsy stays alive.” Dmitri’s smile turned sinister and knowing. “If you don’t believe me, I’ve sent something in the mail as proof. I know how much you love your sister, so come to the address in the email at the appointed time, alone, and nothing will happen to her. I look forward to meeting you.”

The room was silent when the screen turned black. Olivia was grateful for the mating bond, for Marek’s rage, and fueled it with her own.

“Who is he?” she asked.

“He’s the person in charge of the Hunters in the Organization,” Marek bit out. “His family is one of the Organization’s founding families. His father spearheaded the research to use VB to enhance Hunters.”

No wonder Marek resented him.

“He said he sent something. Do you have it?”

Marek reached into his pocket and took out a small, black velvet box, like an engagement ring. Olivia set it on the table and opened it, revealing a ball about an inch in diameter with shadowy mists swirling inside.

Her stomach dropped as a familiar malevolent and evil presence surrounded her.

“I don’t like this,” Andrea said, her expression wary.

But Olivia had no choice, not when it concerned Betsy’s life. She took the jewel and closed her fingers over it. Black streaks of magic shot out and engulfed her before anyone could move. The magic sucked her in, dragged into the darkness against her will. The scream had barely left her throat before she landed on her feet, back in the kitchen from her childhood, but this time everything was shrouded in shadows.

The evil was everywhere, waiting, biding its time.


Olivia whirled around at Betsy’s voice. There she was! Her initial hope and excitement shriveled at the sight of Betsy chained to the wall by tendrils of darkness. Her form was insubstantial, the edges melting into the darkness. Regardless, her smile was bright as the sun after a storm.

“You came back.”

Olivia rushed to her side. “Did you ever doubt me?”