A familiar scent invaded his senses. Blood. Her blood. Real.
No. Not again.
A roar of heartbreaking anguish. Was that him?
Her voice. Pain and sorrow. He blinked in rapid succession, his vision clearing bit by bit.
There she was, her chest rising and falling with her rasping breaths. Her face glistened with sweat, a slash of red before the wound closed.
Had he done that?
Her blue eyes were clear and bright. Full of life. Not dying. Not dead.
But she was bleeding. Felix’s eyes widened at the sight of his sword tip in her chest as blood flowed down her shirt.
The image of her lay dying, Armando’s sword sticking out of her, played across his mind.
The darkness grew, swallowing the light.
The light sparked and spread with her vehement denial. Horrified, Felix froze as Gabby gripped the sword and pulled herself forward along the blade, the motion sending another spurt of blood pouring out. Red trails trickled from her bleeding hands down along her wrist to her elbow before dripping onto her shirt.
Her rasping breaths were the only sound he heard; his fangs itched to come out at her blood’s overpowering and tantalizing scent.
She grimaced, her face scrunching with effort. His chest blazed with pain. Hers. No more walls blocked the mating bond.
But he didn’t care about his suffering. He only cared about her.
“Gabby, stop.” He was petrified, terror locking him in an iron grip. “Stop it.”
He wanted to tug out the weapon but didn’t wish to hurt her more.
“No.” Her gaze was unwavering as she moved another inch closer. “You are not to blame for my death. I do not regret it. You made me stronger. You made me who I am today.”
Felix could only stand there, unmoving, as she traversed the last inches until she was flush against him—his blade all the way through her.
Her quiet whisper sent tingles down his spine. “Let me take some of your pain. This is nothing compared to the pain inside of you.”
Too late. His walls had come down, the dam crumbling. There was no more holding back.
Her light spread and enveloped him. He didn’t deserve the tenderness from her. Didn’t deserve the love in her eyes.
Love. Did she love him? Still, after everything?
“I am sorry for my selfishness. I am sorry it took me this long to see how my death had destroyed you. Can you forgive me?”
“There is nothing to forgive,” he choked past the lump in his throat. Glass shards tore at his insides. “I was the one who failed you.”
Her smile was tender and full of love, an emotion Felix had waited all these centuries for. Now that it was before him, he was terrified to reach for it.
“No, you saved me. Would human me have been able to do this?” Gabby pointed to the sword in her chest.
“You’re not helping.”
She smiled; its brightness speared into his blackened soul. Gabby stepped back and drew out the blade. He hadn’t realized he’d let go of it.