Gabby took a moment to finish her drink instead of snapping back some childish reply. Vampires had a keen sense of sunrise and sunsets since their lives depended on not being caught outside during the day. Like humans, they had regular sleep cycles, but the other way around. She should’ve awakened last night after the sun had gone down, but the fact she hadn’t meant her body had decided rest was necessary.

She sighed.You’re right.

What surprised her was Felix hadn’t tried to kidnap her while she’d slept. She’d half expected to wake up in a locked dungeon somewhere, a plush and fabulously decorated basement with all the amenities she could ever dream of, but a prison, nonetheless.

“Attention, everyone.”

When the voice came out of thin air, she jolted. Good thing she’d put down the glass bottle or it’d have smashed to pieces on the ground. It took her a second to recognize the AI’s voice.

“Tonight’s meetings for the Gathering are canceled. However, your presence is required at eleven in the conference room on the fortieth floor. The location has been sent to your phone,” Tristan said.

Canting her head to the side, Gabby asked Nikolas,Any idea what that is about?

No, it could be something to do with Leah’s kidnapping.


Without the scheduled meetings, it meant everyone had free time to roam, which was a terrible idea with so many powerful vampires together. She wouldn’t put it past Alistair to lock them in the Central Tower, so they couldn’t wreak havoc while Julian was indisposed.

Their kind’s aggressive and violent tendencies were a reason for the existence of the Houses, which enforced their laws outside of Vegas. If any vampire lost herself or himself to the bloodlust and went on a brutal killing spree, the Houses were the first ones to respond to such a threat. The strict House hierarchy also gave vampires an outlet for their ambition and greed. Rather than enslaving humans or causing other chaos, vampires spent their energy conspiring to climb up the House ladder with the goal of one day becoming Head of a House.

Should I come to you?

Gabby glanced at the clock. A little over two hours until eleven. Did she want Nikolas with her?No. I will let you know if I need anything.

She could imagine Nikolas inclining his head as he said,Very well. I will be nearby.

I know. Thank you.

Once their connection broke, Gabby debated what to do. Should she wait in her room or go explore outside? The answer was easy. She was never one to sit idle and do nothing.

She strode over to the closet and flipped through her choices.Hmm, maybe I should test out those shorts.As she pondered over her outfit, she couldn’t ignore Felix’s presence coming closer and closer. Deciding against the shorts, she picked an emerald blouse and a pair of black trousers. To complete the ensemble, she donned a pair of black boots which also served to hide her dagger.

When the knock came, Gabby took a deep breath to calm her racing heart. It’d been easier when she’d been dead set on breaking the bond. Now with her mind and heart in turmoil, facing Felix would be ten times harder.

Act normal. Do not let him see your hesitation.

That was easier said than done when she opened the door and the full force of Felix’s sexy and predatory charm swept over her. He wore a navy-blue cotton shirt pulled tight over his muscled chest and flat stomach. Black jeans clad his powerful thighs and ended in dark brown boots laced up over his ankle. The ensemble gave him a wild and unpredictable air. His dark hair fell in waves around his beautiful face, drawing Gabby’s gaze to his intense green eyes that shone against the reflected light of her blouse.

For a second, the desire to drag him into the room and have her way with him overrode everything else.

Felix leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms. The graceful movement tugged his shirt tighter against his wide shoulders. Her mouth went dry as his lips curved into a wicked smile. “I had other plans for us today, but I won’t object to what you’re thinking.”

Shocked and embarrassed, she stepped away and shot him a glare. “Stay out of my head.”

“I don’t need to read your mind to know your thoughts.”

If only she had a way to wipe off his knowing smirk. She didn’t have to feign her irritation. “What do you want?” she snapped, changing the subject.

“I want to see my mate. Do I need any other reason?”

“Well, now you’ve seen me, you can leave.” Since he wouldn’t move from his spot, Gabby stalked past him.

“Wait.” When he reached out to stop her, she whirled on him, dagger in hand. It had been a knee-jerk reaction to defend herself. The different side he’d shown her the past few days couldn’t erase centuries of hatred and fear.

He stepped back and raised his hands in a placating gesture. “I don’t want to fight. I have a surprise for you. Will you come with me?”

She didn’t lower her guard as she studied him, her mind spinning. It was a bad, no, terrible idea, to go anywhere with him. Then again, this could be another chance to test his sincerity.