“Fine,” she grumbled. “But you stay out.”

She plopped back down on the bed and pulled the cover over her, dismissing him.

Well, at least he’d won this round, kind of. Shooting one last lingering look at her blond curls, he stalked out of the room.

He could be patient if it meant winning her in the end.

He would not lose her again.

Chapter Sixteen

Gabbywokeupwithinminutes of the sun disappearing under the horizon. She would’ve slept longer, considering her injuries, but with everything going on, she didn’t have more time to rest.

Her first instinct was to reach for Felix, who she sensed was awake and in the building. The bed was vast and empty without him. A frown pulled her lips downward. She liked gigantic beds, liked the space to roll around. If Felix were here, she’d kick him off.

Pushing Felix out of her mind, she contacted Nikolas for a status update as she scooted out of bed.

Did they find Leah?

A sigh.No, they lost track of the car.

Gabby’s heart dropped.Is she alive? Do you know?

Julian hasn’t gone crazy and greeted the sun, so I assume so.

Good. Relief flooded her. The Hunters didn’t wish to kill Leah. If they did, they could’ve done it without risking the car chase. Though Gabby had only met Leah once, she’d felt a kinship with the other woman because of their similar situation and had hoped to get to know her better.

And she would. Julian would move heaven and earth to save his mate. Gabby, for one, would help the insufferable oaf for Leah’s sake.

Where’s Julian now?Hunger gnawing at her insides, she padded to the kitchen for some sustenance.

He’s interrogating a Hunter he captured.

Gabby paused with her hand on the fridge door.Is he going to kill the Hunter?

The sense of a mental shrug.Hard to say. If Leah’s not dead, the human might have a chance to live.

The Hunters,she opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle,they’re stronger than normal humans. The ones I fought were faster, too.

Yes, at first it was only a few, but now all of them are enhanced. It started happening after Alistair publicized our existence. Once humans realize how much stronger we are, they put more money and effort into bioengineering and have made significant progress in the field.

The details of everything that had transpired while she’d been aground were still hazy in her mind. She wondered why Alistair, after thousands of years of hiding their existence, had decided to come out in the open.

The King did nothing on a whim. He must have some other reason, not that she would ask him.

As she popped open a bottle of blood, her eyes glanced off the clock on the refrigerator and widened.

Wait, did I sleep a full day and night?

Yes.A slight hesitation.Felix and I decided you needed the rest.

Are you on his side now?

No, but nothing required your attention. I would’ve wakened you if we’d had news of Leah.

You do not get to make that decision for me.

You did not wake on your own at sunset last night. You know what that means. Like I said, if something had happened, I would’ve woken you.