Itwentagainsteverythingin Felix to fly ahead of Gabby instead of carrying her back to safety in his arms. Walking into the sun was easier than watching Gabby suffer and struggle.
Though she blocked him, he could still feel the trickle of pain from her.
He needed to ease it. It was who he was. It was what the mating bond demanded of him. He knew, though, if he pushed the issue, it would only alienate her further.
Felix gritted his teeth and forced himself to think of something else. Like the mysterious vampire who had attacked Gabby.
Someone wanted Gabby gone. It wasn’t hard to guess who, considering Jiaren’s earlier proposal. Without him, the Hunters might have gotten lucky and killed Gabby.
Don’t go there,he told himself and bit back the rising panic.
But killing Gabby wouldn’t change anything for Jiaren. Nikolas was the natural heir to lead Haven if anything happened to her.
Killing Gabby would also take out Felix. If Gabby was gone, he’d follow her into the sun without hesitation. No more living without her. The only thing that had sustained him over the last few centuries was the knowledge she was alive.
She’d been asleep like the dead, but she hadn’t been dead.
Not like when she’d died as a mortal.
Gone forever.
So, he had waited.
If she had died for real, if there had been no way of bringing her back, he would follow her into the next life.
So perhaps the target had been him?
He’d fought countless challengers since Gabby had left him, the ones who had thought him weak for pining after his mate. But like Gabby, if anything were to happen to him, Nasir would take over Eden.
The only way to take over a House was to either challenge the Head of the House in the Tournament, which was held right after the Gathering every fifty years, or to climb up the House ladder and stage a coup, like Malika had done. The previous Head of the House could step down, which had only happened twice in Felix’s long life.
Did Jiaren plan to challenge Gabby in the Tournament? His insides chilled, and he dragged a hand through his hair. The Tournament was only a few days away. After the human diplomats leave, vampires would flood into Vegas to participate.
During the Tournament, vampires challenged one another to move up in ranks in the House. If a challenger won, they would take over the loser’s position. Most vampires used it as an excuse to challenge the Head of Houses, whom they wouldn’t be able to reach normally. In Eden’s case, Nasir had taken care of Felix’s challengers. A patient vampire could wait until the Tournament to challenge Felix. Since the Tournament rules prohibited them from killing one another, the challenger also didn’t have to fear losing their life.
On rare occasions Alistair allowed the special request for two vampires to duel until death where the winner would not be punished for murdering their opponent.
Felix doubted Alistair would give Jiaren permission to murder Gabby. The thought didn’t bring him any comfort, though. Gabby, as the newly risen Head of House Haven, would receive the most challenges from opportunistic vampires. Nobody could fight for her, not him, not Nikolas.
He’d have to find something, some way, to keep Gabby safe.
The Central Tower was in a tumultuous uproar. Vampires and humans rushed from one place to another, shouting over each other. Marek informed Felix and Gabby in curt tones that the humans were all locked in their rooms, much to the dismay and fury of the many powerful diplomats from all over the world.
Even though it was for their own good, these were humans who were accustomed to giving orders, not receiving them, especially from vampires.
How can we help?Gabby asked.
Felix tamped down a growl.You need rest and blood. Marek and the others can handle it.
I’m fine.Gabby glared daggers at him even though she was holding on to her flight with the last bit of her strength.
Before Felix lost his temper, Marek replied,We have cars following Leah. We can do nothing now until the sun sets.
They landed on the wraparound balcony on their floor to avoid the elevators and the chaos below. When Gabby swayed on her feet, Felix caught her and hugged her to him, taking the first real breath since he’d left her to fight on her own.
When she struggled, he held on tighter. The monster inside roared and strained against its leash.Mine. My mate. Must protect,it screamed.
Don’t fight me,Felix begged, holding on to his sanity by his fingertips.Not now.