Too many questions and not enough time. The Hunters had picked the best time of the day, early afternoon, so the vampires were at their weakest.
“Tristan, open the window.” Gabby spread her wings and winced at the slight sting on her back as they unfurled. To Marek, she said,We’re on our way.
“No.” Felix blocked her in a blink, his large body stiff with command and dominance. “You’re not going.”
Gabby hissed, baring her fangs. His true color was showing. She had no time for his stupid posturing and protectiveness. “Try to stop me.”
She ducked left when he reached for her, pulling her wings back into her body so she made a smaller target. When he whirled on her again, she kicked him in the chest and heard a gratifying oomph from him.
Without waiting for him to recover, Gabby launched herself out of the half-open window. Thankfully, Tristan had obeyed her. Her heart lodged in her throat at the sense of weightlessness and free fall. She gritted her teeth as she spread her wings, hating this part.
Her wings snapped open and caught the wind hard. Her back, especially her shoulders, protested at the sudden pressure. Tears welled in her eyes as she fought against the wind trying to throw her backward.
Another thing to blame on Felix. She much preferred her wings open before she jumped for this specific reason.
A shadow fell over her. Felix, now shirtless, was above her and about to shoot past her.
Are you going to stop me midair?Gabby glared up at him, her dagger in hand.
Promise me you’ll be careful, was his gruff response.
Gabby rolled her eyes. As if she wanted to get hurt. Or get killed.
Ignoring his overbearing shadow, she followed Marek’s directions before reaching out to Nikolas. He was up to date on the situation and was on his way to scan the other Towers to ensure the Hunters weren’t planning to use this chase as a distraction to destroy more like the night of the Gala.
Soon, she saw the car speeding down the street. A few other vehicles, their sirens flashing, were hot on its tail. Then she caught sight of Julian fighting off Hunters.
One Hunter threw a silver chain, which caught Julian’s arm. Smoke rose from the silver burning Julian’s skin. But if the Hunters thought a single chain could stop Julian, they were dead wrong.
Julian let out a roar that rattled Gabby’s eardrums, even though she was still too far away to help. She watched, with fascination and dread, as Vegas’ ruler slaughtered the Hunters without mercy. Her heart constricted, an ache that refused to go away, even as she told herself the Hunters would’ve killed Julian and Felix and everyone she knew and loved if given the chance.
It didn’t make their deaths less wasteful.
Pop. Pop. Pop. Bullets. From the building next to Julian.
The Hunters would not get close to Julian, and Julian didn’t have time to kill all of them if he wanted to catch Leah.Need a hand?Felix said to Julian in an open channel between the three of them.
Julian looked up. If Gabby had been a younger vampire, she’d have turned right back to the Central Tower at the murderous rage from him.
Instead, she swallowed and reminded herself she was here for Leah. Nothing good could come out of Leah being captured.
Go. We’ve got this,she assured Julian.
Thank you.
Julian dropped the Hunters’ bodies before sprinting away.
I’ll take the left. You take the right.Gabby didn’t wait for Felix’s response before whirling to the left side. To her surprise, Felix followed her instructions and flew to the other building.
If you get hurt, I’m chaining you to my side.
Gabby rolled her eyes at Felix’s threat. The confrontation with Felix would come later. For now, she concentrated on the Hunters and pushed away the thought of her brother along with the associated guilt. Armando was long gone from this world.
The Hunters had been so focused on Julian, they didn’t notice her until she’d landed behind them. The first Hunter to react swung around with his gun aimed straight at her. Gabby grabbed his wrist and squeezed until his bone cracked. The Hunter screamed. The gun tumbled from his now lax grip.
Now she had the full attention of all three Hunters, who all smelled off somehow. Human, but something else was layered under it. Gabby made a note to check on it later.
The Hunter whose wrist she’d broken punched her with his other arm. Instinct saved her when a gun went off. She jumped back. Adrenaline pumped through her. Everything was sharper. Clearer. Her senses expanded and heightened to a laser focus. She’d missed this.