By the time they finished, sunlight was peaking over the horizon. The heavy weight of sleep dragged at her. Her feet were leaden, and every step felt like she carried a two-hundred-pound boulder on her shoulders.

“What are you doing?” Her protest had no heat to it when Felix lifted her into his arms.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “Performing my mately duty.”

Gabby admitted secretly it was rather nice to be carried away, now that she didn’t have to worry about other motives from him.

Back in their room, she found the energy to take a shower before collapsing into bed. She jolted awake when Felix joined her. Had she fallen asleep for a few minutes? Snuggling up to Felix, she laid her head on his shoulder. She didn’t deserve this peace inside her, this wonderful warmth, not while Maria was tranquilized and locked away in her basement.

Maria would tell her to enjoy the moment. She would say it was normal to experience both happiness and grief at the same time.

“You’re worrying again,” he said, his fingers tracing circles on her back.

“I can’t help it. I don’t know if we can cure Maria, or even what made her that way.”

“We’ll figure it out.” As she listened to his steady heartbeat, her eyes closed of their own accord. “Once we return to Vegas, we’ll find whoever’s behind this.”

Yes, he was right.

Maria, hold on, she thought to her clever, loving, and dauntless best friend.I will find a way to help you.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Gabby’seyessnappedopen.Something was wrong.

She was in her room in Haven, Felix beside her. Sensing her churning dread through their mating bond, he woke as well.

Her body told her the sun was disappearing below the horizon. In the distance, she heard shouting. The loud bang bang bang of bullets.

Nikolas, what’s going on?

Silence. Her heart lurched in her throat. The noises were closer now. Felix sent her a wave of warm comfort as pressure squeezed her chest. Gabby slid out of bed and padded to the window. The electric wires on top of the distant fence glinted dully in the night. Pushing her curtains back, she saw light flashing from the guard towers. More gunfire.

We’re under attack.Nikolas’ reply came to both Felix and her.

Haven was under attack? Her wide eyes met Felix’s, who jumped out of bed and pulled on some clothes.

Where?In record time, she changed out of her chemise into a red shirt and black pants.

They just triggered our perimeter alarms. We are tracking two dozen vampires and three wolf shifters headed this way.

The gunshots from the guard towers became a constant background noise.

Tell me where I need to go.She picked up her sabers and looped the belt around her waist. All remnants of sleep faded. Someone was attacking Haven? Looked like whoever was behind it all didn’t want them back in Vegas.

Come to the control room. I need you here.

No. I’m more useful out there. You know the House’s defenses better than I do.

Chaos reigned outside. Gunshots. Screaming. Snarling. Gabby’s vampire strained against her leash at the violence.

Go to the control room.Felix opened the windows.I can take care of it.

No.Not this again. She thought they’d gotten past this.

Felix’s next thought was for her alone.It’s not about your abilities,tesoro mio. You’re the Head of the House. You should command your forces.

I can command them while fighting.