Her lips brushed against his. It was a slow, heart-stopping kiss that infused him with her loving light. He sighed into her mouth, losing himself in her radiance. He didn’t know if the darkness would ever vanish, but for now, this was enough.

Chapter Twenty-Six

Nextevening,Gabbywokeup wrapped in Felix’s arms. She sighed and snuggled into him, happiness soaking through her for the first time in ages. Through their mating bond, she sensed the darkness within him, of his constant struggle against it, but he’d let her in.

It would take more than one day to resolve centuries of bottled-up destructive emotions, but at least they could work together. He would never be pleased with her running headlong into danger with him, but he would never lock her up to keep her safe again, no matter how much the thought appealed to him.

It was a compromise she could handle.

“What are you thinking,tesoro mio?” His voice was gentle and lazy as he played with a strand of her hair.

“I finally won against your stubborn pride.”

Her heart skipped a beat when he smiled, the same one that had enthralled her when she’d been human. “You shouldn’t call anyone else stubborn. What would you have done if your plan didn’t work?”

His other hand sliding over the curve of her hips distracted her. “Do it again. Keep doing it until I make some progress. You will not scare me away this time.”

Something shifted in her chest when his gaze softened. He placed her hand over his heart and said, “Thank you.”

A lump the size of a fist blocked her throat. Nikolas’ voice saved her from having to say more.

Are you ready?

Right. Maria.

“What’s wrong?” Felix’s brows furrowed. It was impossible to hide her turmoil now they’d both removed any walls blocking the mating bond.

“We have to go. We’re meeting Andrea at Joshua Tree Park.”

His expression somber, Felix nodded. They got up and dressed quickly.

He stopped her before they exited the room. “Promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I will, but you also need to promise to trust me. No more heroics.”


They met Nikolas and Ahmed at the front foyer, along with another vampire Nikolas introduced as Conrad. Built like a bull, with tribal tattoos snaking up both his arms and a long sword strapped to his back, Conrad reminded her of the Native American warriors she’d met.

Since they didn’t know what waited for them on the other side of the barrier, Conrad would help in case more vampires attacked them.

They were also taking two black vans with reinforced silver cages in the rear. Nikolas had packed enough tranquilizers and silver chains to take down two dozen vampires if needed.

When they parked at the same spot from last night, Andrea was already there. Tall and willowy, the woman approached them with a quiet confidence. She smelled of the woods and earth, unlike the special magical scent witches normally carried.

Her expression was serene as she greeted each of them, as though she worked with vampires every day. Until she reached Nikolas. A flash of annoyance. Suspicion.


Nikolas, for his part, acknowledged Andrea no differently than he would anyone else, meaning with polite and stoic indifference.

“Thank you for coming,” Gabby said as they shook hands.

Andrea’s smile was courteous yet reserved. “This is my home as much as it is yours.”

A bold claim to make for a witch living alone in vampire territory. But witches were witches. They had power and they knew it. Vampire strength could match the shifters and the fae, but magic wasn’t something to be taken lightly.

“Can you show me the barrier?” Andrea asked.