The locked-up ball of emotions strained for freedom. Perhaps it would be better that way. To return to that void where fear and longing and love didn’t exist.

He might be a coward, he realized, unable to deal with the biggest failure in his immortal life.

They reached the backyard, which was about the size of a basketball court. On reflex, he caught the sword she tossed his way. Something he’d used thousands of times. How did she know his preference?

He frowned. “I’m not fighting you.”

Heat spiraled through him at her vicious grin. Gabby, in vampire mode, turned him on more than she should. Sometimes he couldn’t decide which one was better, the innocent, loving and kind woman, or the savage and bloodthirsty vampire.

“Are you scared?” She stalked toward him, her right hand spinning her weapon.

Felix’s gaze locked on the mesmerizing sight. “Us fighting is a pointless endeavor.”

“Think of this as helping me practice. You know others will challenge me during the Tournament.”

Gabby didn’t wait for his response. Her sabers flashed. She was suddenly in front of him.

Felix leaped back with a curse before she slashed his chest open.

She was serious.

That was a warning.

He blocked her next attack with his sword. Gabby was a blur of motion as she assaulted him with relentless intensity, fast as a striking cobra. If he spent one extra second admiring her lithe body instead of guarding himself, she would cut through his defenses.

“Fight back,” she demanded.

He jumped out of her reach. Strands of hair had come undone from her braid and framed her angelic face. With her feet wide apart, her weapons pointed at him, and her tilted chin, she was an avenging angel. “My opponents in the Tournament will do more than defend.”

“I don’t think your challengers will have arms left to attack.”

Her eyes narrowed, blazing with fire. She closed the distance between them in a blink. He blocked her swing with no time to spare. Left right. Up. Left. Down. He fell into a rhythm. She varied her attacks so he couldn’t go on autopilot.

He’d lost count of the number of vampires and people he’d fought. Immortality did that to a person, but he couldn’t recall one as agile or light-footed as his beautiful mate. Whenever he tested out a swing, or threw out a kick, she bounced away, nimble as a deer.

Felix let her get close, let her get in a deeper cut, deflected a swing, and grabbed her wrist.

He yanked her to him and kissed her hard.

“I was just warming up.” He grinned, his vampire rising to the surface.

He hadn’t wanted to fight her, but now, with adrenaline coursing through his veins, he wasn’t about to lose.

Baring her teeth, she aimed a kick at his groin. He twisted. Her kick landed on his thigh. Pain lanced up his leg. He grunted. She wasn’t holding back.

She broke free from his loosened hold and slashed sideways at his head. He dove out of the way, though he felt the wind brush past his face.

“Are you trying to kill me?”

“The Lord Felix I know can do better than that,” she panted, pushing her hair back. “Or am I now stronger than the infamous Lord Felix?”

She redoubled her efforts. Tireless and eternal, her attacks were a raging, never-ending storm. Felix had to fight back if he didn’t want her to bleed him out with the small nicks and slashes.

“Is this how you plan to protect me? I’m not impressed so far.”

Ah, so this was the real reason for their duel.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” he said with a low growl.