So far, in the century during Julian’s rule, no one had defeated him.

The scent of old, dried blood strengthened as Felix approached. A lot of blood had been spilled here, recently too. The janitors had done their best to clean it up, but they could not completely erase the evidence of violence.

Stephen and Devon were dueling. Stephen carried a long sword in hand, the length of the blade about four feet. He wielded the two-handed sword effortlessly in one. Devon’s weapons of choice were two shorter swords, each about a foot long. The two males didn’t pay Felix any attention, because if either lost focus for even a second, the other one would win the upper hand.

The fighters’ blades clashed, their movements fast as lightning yet graceful. Each cut, each swing, performed with precision. Each dodge, each feint, executed flawlessly. To the untrained eye, it looked like the two aimed to kill each other. Felix recognized the control both exercised to stop at the exact moment before the weapons did any damage.

Stephen’s expression of intense laser focus was not the public face he showed the world. Here, away from prying human eyes, with other Ancients, he could let down his guard and be true to his vampire nature.

Devon had a maniacal smile on his beautiful face and never stopped talking, chiding and taunting Stephen all the while they fought. No wonder Stephen looked like he was about to murder the other man.

Devon fell for a feint from Stephen, who spun and sliced sideways with his sword. The two men stopped. Stephen’s sword touched Devon’s neck, but Devon’s blade…

Felix looked down and laughed. Devon’s sword was a millimeter away from Stephen’s crotch.

Devon’s lips split into an outrageous grin. “Want to test it out?” He wiggled his eyebrows, not at all bothered by his opponent’s sword at his throat.

Stephen returned the grin, the first change in his stony countenance during the fight. “It’s a tie.” He stepped back and lowered his sword.

“Fine. A tie.”

When Stephen saw Felix, his smile disappeared, and his expression hardened. “Looking for a fight?”

Did he wish to fight Gabby’s friend who detested him? Yes, yes, he did.

“You up for another round?” he asked out of formality. It wouldn’t be fun or fair if Stephen was tired.

“Don’t worry about me,” Stephen drawled. “Devon here was a warm up.”

Felix made his way down to the bottom level and nodded to Devon in passing. “Hope you don’t mind me interrupting.”

“Not at all. This should be fun.” Devon jumped over the wall separating the empty seats from the arena and sank into one, spreading his arms over the back of the seats, waiting for the show to begin.

At the weapons rack, Felix picked up a pole arm, the tip of which reached his shoulder. The blade curved into a hook at the end, with a split that had a sharp point sticking out on the other side.

A guisarme.

A weapon more suited to the battlefield than single handed combat. But today, it suited his mood to do maximum damage.

He walked to the center of the arena, where Stephen waited, his sword at the ready. They took their places from one another, with six feet between them.

Stephen cocked his head and his nose twitched before he grinned mockingly. “Did Gabby kick you out? I’m surprised she hasn’t sliced you to pieces yet.”

Felix growled, dark jealousy fueling his rage at the reminder that Stephen knew Gabby better than he did. He loosened the leash on his power, letting the vampire take control. With no humans present, there was no point holding it back. His preternatural senses sharpened until he was aware of everything around him, from Stephen’s even breathing to the flies buzzing over splotches of old dried blood.

“Ah yes, the terrifying Lord of House Eden.” Stephen raised his sword. “I’ve always wanted a piece of you.”

Without warning, Felix struck. The guisarme was an extension of his hand, a weapon he’d used countless times. Stephen blocked. His sword slid along the edge of the guisarme until it reached the section where the weapon’s blade split between the hook and the pointed edge. Felix twisted the polearm. Stephen dropped his sword, ducked below the swing, and came at him from under.

He dodged Stephen’s first swing. The second one almost cut his chest wide open. Felix stepped back, widening the distance between them. When Stephen sidestepped his next swing, he turned his weapon and jammed its butt into Stephen’s chest. Stephen flew back.

“Nice one.” The other vampire jumped to his feet and bared his fangs.

“You’ve seen nothing yet.”

Felix rushed forward, his movement a blur. They went at each other like their lives depended on it. Dodge, left, right, swipe, lunge, twist. It was a dance he could do in his sleep. A few slices here, a few nicks there, the wounds healing in a second. Stephen, despite living his days among humans, was strong as any other Ancient. As Felix settled into the rhythm of the battle, his mind wandered.

Back to Gabby.