“Yep. The great Julian Blackmore. Mated.” Stephen’s eyes glinted with devilish delight.

“He doesn’t look happy,” Melli observed.

“She does not either,” Gabby said.

“You weren’t happy when you found out,” Stephen pointed out to his mate. “See how well that turned out.”

Melli blushed yet shot daggers at Stephen with her eyes. “Don’t make me turn you into an icicle.”

They watched, fascinated, as Devon, a Council member who liked to live on the edge, waylaid Leah before Julian. Of everyone in the room, he might have been the only one who could survive such an interaction. The tension in the air thickened until one could cut it with a knife, especially when Devon laughed at something Leah said, and she blushed.

They weren’t the only ones watching, either. Every vampire was paying attention, if not observing the exchange with outright curiosity. Julian finally caught up with Leah and Devon. From their expressions, neither of them was happy to see the other.

“You think Julian will challenge Devon?” Stephen leaned forward with barely contained glee. “I bet on Julian if that’s the case.”

“Stephen!” Melli slapped her mate’s shoulder.

“What? It’s all in good fun.”

“You think Julian will win? Aren’t he and Devon about the same age?” Gabby asked.

“Julian will win.” Felix caught Gabby’s gaze, his hand tightening around her waist. “She’s his mate. He can’t lose.”

He heard her heart skip a beat before she looked away. The orchestra struck up a waltz. As if things weren’t bad enough, Leah left to dance with Devon. Felix knew the exact amount of restraint it took for Julian to not slit Devon’s throat just then. Did fate wish to punish them with challenging mates because they were immortals?

It didn’t matter. What if it took him another century to win Gabby back to his side? They had eternity together. He kissed her hair, inhaling her lavender scent deep into his soul.

“Care to dance?”

Chapter Seven

Thoughhistonewaslight, his gaze spoke volumes more. A waltz. An intimate dance pitting her will against his. Gabby wished it was the olden days when her dress had layers and layers of skirt to protect herself from him getting too close.

The challenge in his eyes helped make up her mind. She couldn’t back down, not if she wanted to be his equal.


She put her hand in his, tracing the old callouses there, and followed him. As they approached the dance floor, Gabby had to control her rising heart rate. Felix twirled her into his arms with the smooth movements of someone who’d done this countless times. His hand on her back was a burning brand as they swung into the steps of the waltz.

The other people around them disappeared. She had eyes only for Felix. Her body tuned to his, her feet remembered the steps on their own. She was transported to another time and place long in the past before she was a vampire.

621 years ago

Gabby sucked in a deep breath, glad to be out of the stifling ballroom. Her cousin’s birthday party was a roaring success. It will be the party of the year. The Duke had even shown up. Within the year, Alessandra would be married to one of the suitors.

That was all fantastic news for her cousin, but Gabby needed the fresh air. She stood on the porch, leaning against a column.

Her dance partner, who had graciously agreed to bring her out here, no doubt hoping to steal a kiss away from her chaperon, had gone to fetch her a drink.

A light, salty breeze came from the sea. Gabby closed her eyes and savored the hint of coolness. More than anything, she wished she could strip out of the heavy dress and go take a dip in the cool water.

Her lips curved into a smile at the scandal it would cause if anyone found her in her underclothes while the villa was full of guests.

Her brother might disown her for real.

Gabby’s eyes snapped opened when she sensed him. Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest. Her breath hitched. She straightened and stared into the groves of olive trees. The light only extended another foot or so into the tree line, and she saw nothing out of the ordinary.

But as certain as she was of her name, she knew he was there.