Felix’s gaze met a pair of ice-blue ones exuding power. Julian Blackmore, Vegas’ vampire ruler. He’d cut his hair since Felix had last seen him. The buzz cut emphasized Julian’s harsh and savage nature. His tall and imposing body was clad in a perfectly fitted black tux, but no amount of expensive clothing could diminish the brutality of a Viking conqueror.

That brutality was necessary, for Julian was tasked with running Vegas and upholding its laws. If any vampire broke the law within city limits, Julian was the judge, jury, and executioner.

No sane vampire wanted to mess with Julian Blackmore.

“Are you ready?” the announcer asked, bringing Felix’s focus back to him.

“Yes,” Gabby said, steel in her voice.

“Lord Felix of House Eden. Lady Gabriella of House Haven.” The announcer’s voice echoed through the ballroom.

A few humans looked up out of curiosity. But it was the vampires Felix tracked. Humans he wasn’t afraid of, but the vampires, he would have to pay attention.

Felix’s eyes met the stern, dark brown stare of a male vampire he didn’t recognize. He was of East Asian descent, with short black hair, golden skin that spoke of time spent in the sun while human, and a square and ruthless face. He was old, despite the restraint on his power. All the vampires present held back their power. It wouldn’t do to scare away the humans.

The man’s cold eyes flitted past Felix to Gabby. Felix disliked the calculating look in them. He had two others with him, younger and weaker. They looked at Gabby before the force of Felix’s stare forced them to glance away.

Who is he?Felix sent the thought to Julian.

Jiaren. He’s the representative from China’s east coast coven. They’re looking to rebuild their influence.

Into the States?

Alistair had banned the Chinese Houses from entering the States after an incident fifty years ago. He must have lifted the ban. Felix relayed the information to Gabby.

He’s dangerous,he added.

I know.Sensing his surprise at her serious response, she threw him an annoyed look.I know what I’m doing.

Regardless, Felix tuned his senses to Jiaren, keeping the vampire’s presence in the back of his mind. His instincts were on alert. It wouldn’t hurt to monitor the newcomers.

When they reached the bottom of the stairs, he sensed Gabby perk up. His gaze followed hers, and his jaw clenched. He stood his ground, Gabby’s arms tucked into his elbow, when she took a step.

Her eyes narrowed, and she glanced between him and her destination.

She tugged on his arm, and he clamped a hand over her arm. She glowered, fuming.I will make a scene.

I thought you know what you are doing.If she made a scene, it would signal to every vampire here they were easy pickings.

She smiled with a hint of fang.Stephen is a friend whom I have not seen in four hundred years. Please act your age and not like a jealous, immature newborn vampire who cannot control his base instincts.

If I can’t control my instincts, we wouldn’t be in public right now.No, they would be in their room with him kissing and licking every part of her delectable skin. She would beg him to enter her and relieve the arousal he scented between her legs.

Stop it.If looks could kill, he would be dead twice over.

Her next tug on him was less gentle. If he didn’t move with her, he would end up stumbling and falling on his face. Felix unstuck his feet from the ground and pasted on a smile when they reached their destination.

A blonde male vampire and a human woman of Chinese descent occupied the small table. Felix suppressed a growl when the vampire’s handsome face split into a grin before he enveloped Gabby in a hug.

“Gabby, I’m so glad to have you back,” the vamp said. His smile disappeared when he looked at Felix and gave a curt nod. “Felix.”

“Stephen,” Felix acknowledged his greeting.

With his golden hair and boy-next-door looks, Stephen was their race’s poster boy and America’s most beloved vampire. He was their liaison to Washington, DC and the head of the vampire’s delegation to the US government. His team championed vampire rights and was involved in creating laws and regulations affecting vampires.Looking at him, one would never guess he was a vampire, though anyone with intelligence knew better than to underestimate Stephen.

More importantly, Stephen had been part of House Haven with Gabby before he took the job in Washington.

Gabby ignored the tension between them and turned to the woman, who looked around thirty. “Is this your mate?”