Will it work?she asked Felix, her hand over his tightening with nervousness.

If anyone can fix them, it’s Alistair.Felix squeezed her hand back in reassurance.

Inch by inch, the crystal’s light crawled up the darkened veins on Maria’s arm, replacing the darkness. When the light engulfed the length of Maria’s body, it flashed bright white, stinging Gabby’s retinas, and vanished.

Alistair released a slow breath. Dark circles had appeared under his eyes and his cheeks looked sunken in. “She’ll wake soon and will be hungry. You should have blood ready for her.”

Gabby nodded, unable to speak from the hope and happiness choking her throat. Felix asked the question on her mind, “Can you help the others?”

Alistair’s tired gaze traveled to the other sedated vampires. “I will after I feed.”

“Josie, please send two feeders,” Gabby said.

“As you wish,” replied the AI.

Gabby reached out to Nikolas.Where is Ahmed?

He’s out with the team, hunting down the crazed vampires.

Tell him to come back. Maria should be awake soon.At Nikolas’ surprise, Gabby added,I’ll explain later.

The feeders arrived as Maria’s eyes fluttered open. Gabby’s vision blurred.

“Gabby? What—” Maria whispered, her voice weak, before Gabby hugged her as hard as she could. “What’s going on? Also, why am I so hungry?”

“Come.” Gabby stepped back to make space for a male feeder. “Drink. Then we can talk.”

Next to the door, Alistair fed from another human. Gabby smiled at Felix, happiness threatening to burst out of her. Love flooded into her from the mating bond.

Everything was going to work out.

Maria was safe. Her House was safe.

Maria sat up when she finished feeding. Felix pulled over two chairs for them to sit. Her best friend peered at them, her brows creasing. “You’re Lord Felix, but you—”

Gabby squeezed Maria’s hand. She couldn’t stop smiling. “I’ll tell you all about it later. Do you remember what happened to you?”

“I… I was looking for Diana, who went missing…” A faraway look on Maria’s drawn face. “I tracked her to Joshua Tree National Park, and then something hit me and I blacked out.” The hand in Gabby’s tightened. “No, wait. There was something else, a cave, and pain, and—”

Maria’s eyes widened in horror. “Hungry. I was so hungry. All I wanted was blood. What happened?”

“You’re safe.” Gabby wished she hadn’t asked. Maria looked like she was about to have a panic attack. “We found you with the others. You attacked us, but you are fine now.”

Maria had stopped listening, her gaze locked on the door. On her mate. Ahmed stood at the entrance, his mouth open. Shock and desperation and hope and happiness warred on his face.

“Ahmed.” Maria’s whisper jolted him out of his trance.

Gabby and Felix moved back as Ahmed enveloped Maria in an embrace and kissed her. The pure bliss from their reunion spilled over into Gabby until she followed her deep-seated urge to kiss Felix. Her heart lurched at his wild taste, then settled in her chest and matched his beat.

She pulled back when Alistair coughed behind Felix.

Soon.A shiver rushed down her spine at the heated promise in his gaze.

“Summon more feeders.”

Gabby did so at his command. Alistair swayed on his feet after he healed the last vampire. Once Alistair fed again and the color returned to his face, she took Felix and Alistair into the side room.

“Is the cure permanent?” she asked.