Page 89 of The Vampire's Claim

The redhead squealed and jumped out of her seat. Leah’s food tray made hugging difficult. “Oh my God! Leah! You’re alive!”

Despite the captive situation, Leah couldn’t stop her smile. She placed the food tray on the table before enveloping her friend in a big hug. “Yes, I am.”

Relief flooded her system. With everything else going on, she hadn’t even thought about how lucky she’d been. Yes, her situation could do with some improvement, but she was alive and kicking.

Emily stepped back, her face pinched with worry, and said, “Did you…” Her eyes glanced at the others around them.

Leah shook her head. “Not now. Let’s talk later. What are you doing here?”

“I’m doing an internship.” Emily’s expression brightened with excitement and zeal. “They’re doing amazing research. I’m so lucky Dmitri brought me here.”

“That’s great.” She’d forgotten that Emily had graduated with a chemistry degree a few months ago. Second of her class too, if Leah recalled correctly.

As Leah sat down, Emily introduced her to the other two occupants at the table. One was the technician from earlier, Prakesh. The other was an older blonde woman named Victoria with a bob cut who looked friendly enough.

“Should we get another chair?” Prakesh asked.

Leah spared a brief glance at the Hunter, who loomed behind her. “No, ignore him. He’s not eating.” She took a bite of her noodles and swallowed while trying to hold on to some semblance of happiness. She was safe, back with her comrades. They’d expect her to be excited and relieved. “So, Prakesh, that thing you gave me, it’s great. What is it?”

Prakesh perked up at the prospect of discussing his work. “It’s a new painkiller and enhancement drug. It’s—”

Victoria coughed and glowered. The younger technician bit his lip, his shoulders drooping. “Just a painkiller. You know, nothing special.”

“Vicky, we can tell her. She’s one of us,” Emily chirped.

Leah was all friendliness when she turned to Victoria. “Don’t worry. I know it’s made from vampire blood.”

It was a guess, and from Vicky’s shocked gaze, she was right. It was also all the encouragement Prakesh needed, who then regaled her with the difficulties of designing an enhancement drug with vampire blood and its beneficial properties.

“But VB is addictive,” Leah pointed out when Prakesh stopped to catch his breath. The man clearly loved his work.

“Yes, that’s why we are very careful with the doses and we monitor the Hunters closely for any sign of addiction.”

Leah’s lips thinned. She didn’t doubt the Organization went through the motions of pretending they cared, but they also weren’t above using and discarding their people.

“I’m interning with the team researching how to decrease VB’s addictive properties,” Emily added. “Think of everyone we can help, not just the Hunters, buteveryone.”

Leah could only smile at Emily’s fervor. Unlike Leah, Emily believed in the Organization’s mission with a fiery passion. Vampires had slaughtered the woman’s family and had enslaved her for six months before the Organization had rescued her. It had taken another six months before she came out of the catatonic state she’d been found in.

She was the perfect Organization recruit. To Emily, vampires were evil. No question.

Even then, Leah had hoped Emily would come with her so they could live a life away from violence and the Organization’s control, but she knew she couldn’t help Emily or the other girls anymore.

Not until she rescued Julian and herself.

Keenly aware of the sun lowering across the sky, Leah dragged out her meal until Victoria made the others return to work. Before they left, Leah put on a pitiful face and asked, “Do any of you have a cigarette? I can really use one.”

The Hunter, who’d been quiet this entire time, shifted. “We’re going back.” His stone mask held no room for negotiation.

Leah fidgeted and tapped her foot. “Fine, but I really need a cigarette. Please!”

Prakesh reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack along with a lighter. “Here.”

“Thank you!” She hugged him, a bit guilty but amused at his reddened cheeks. “If you’re ever in Miami, call me.”

Leah gave one last hug to Emily, squeezing the other girl tight. “Please take care.”

Emily’s brows furrowed, but all she said was, “I will. I’ll see you soon?”