Page 78 of The Vampire's Claim

After the car escaped Vegas’ shields, with no vampires in pursuit, the Hunters slipped away from the humans tracking them.

The next evening, Julian was in the Central Tower’s underground level, where they imprisoned the vampire criminals awaiting trial by combat with Julian. It had taken him a day and a half to recover from his injuries, time he didn’t have, time Leah didn’t have.

When his prisoner said nothing and glared at him with burning hatred, Julian snarled and bared his fangs. “I will kill you. I will tear you to pieces. I will let my people feed on you until you’re nothing but a husk.”

There was no fear in the Hunter, not even in his scent. If it was any other day, under different circumstances, Julian would have admired the human.

“Do it,” the Hunter bit out. “Kill me.”

“I can break you.”

Julian invaded the man’s mind and met the C2 implant’s shields. A commotion outside stayed his hand. Alistair’s command.


He stood back and dropped the Hunter, who crumbled to the ground. A group of humans stood outside the cell with Alistair and Devon. They were arguing from the looks of it, the humans pointing at Julian and the Hunter beside him. Julian recognized them: The United States Secretary of State, the Chinese Premier, the UK Prime Minister, and the French President.

He couldn’t hear them through the soundproofed wall, but it didn’t take a genius to figure out the object of their displeasure.

Prepare yourself,Devon warned.

The door opened. Alistair and Devon entered, the humans on their heels.

“What’s the meaning of this?” The US Secretary of State, a tall, black male built like a bull whose hostile glare equaled that of a vampire, demanded. “You’re promising us peace, but you’re holding a human prisoner?”

A bunch of angry mutters erupted from the other humans. Julian’s eyes narrowed. He had another mole in the building, or one of these countries supported the Organization. Both were possible.

“This is unrelated to our discussions upstairs,” Alistair interjected. Everyone hushed, mesmerized by his voice, by his power. “This is a personal matter for Julian.”

“But he is human! You can’t hold him here!” The Chinese Premier was the first to recover. A middle-aged man with stern features, he had a reputation for cold-blooded craftiness. Julian didn’t follow human politics, but he’d heard about how the Premier destroyed his rival with a corruption charge. Not a man to be trifled with.

“His accomplices kidnapped my friend. Do humans not consider that a crime?” It was difficult to talk when all he wanted was to bellow in uncivilized rage. He could kill all of them before their next breath.

“Then you should turn him over to the police. The law will deal with him.”

“You forget, Premier Wang, that I am the law here.”

Julian smirked, flashing his fangs and delighting in the way the humans recoiled. He was sick and tired of pretending to be nice to these nuisances.

The US Secretary of State whirled on Alistair, his face mottled with fury. “This is unacceptable! I demand that you give the human to the police and treat him with equal protection as other humans. He cannot be interrogated by a vampire.”

“And why not?” An inhuman growl rumbled up in Julian’s chest. Red circled his eyes. The humans paled, a sickly scent of fear pervading the room. “He committed a crime against a vampire. He should be tried under our laws.”

I’m done arguing with them,Julian said to Alistair.If you do not get them out of my way, I cannot promise to not slaughter them.

And start a war with humans?

Did you not foresee that when you sent Leah my way?

“Gentlemen,” Alistair said before the humans could test Julian’s patience further. “Last time we met, we agreed any crimes committed in Vegas shall fall under Julian’s jurisdiction. His actions are within his rights as Vegas’ mayor. But,” he raised a hand to stop the protests, “Julian will not harm the human. He will only do what is legal under human law for the interrogation. Now, if you wish to change this, I suggest we reconvene upstairs and continue our discussions.”

The humans understood a compromise when they heard one. They weren’t the leaders of their countries for nothing. Political maneuvering was their life blood.

“How will we know he hasn’t killed the prisoner?” Premier Wang asked.

“You may come down here tomorrow at the same time. The human will remain unharmed.”

Julian didn’t miss Alistair’s meaningful stare. He waited, stewing, as they exited. Turning to the Hunter, who hadn’t moved or said a word, hadn’t even begged for his life this entire time, Julian considered his options.