He had to get her back. Once he had her, they could figure out how to remove the implant.
After last night, after the powerful connection they’d shared, Julian could no longer fool himself into thinking that he could let her go. Just the thought of her gone was more painful than being staked in the chest.
Yet, it was still her choice. He could not take that from her.
All he could do now was save her.
Once she was free from the Organization, once she was safe again, he would respect her decision.
To stay or leave. It was all up to her.
Julian heard sirens in the distance, all converging in one direction. Then the sound of bullets.
How far?he asked Marek.
Four blocks. Keep going. They’re heading straight toward the boundary.
Julian hated he couldn’t go faster. Hopefully, others could slow down the escaping car until he arrived. Intent on the sirens ahead of him, he was too late to notice the gunshots.
He dropped on all fours and rolled. Bullets whizzed him by. He scanned his surroundings.
Found you.
Five Hunters in the neighboring buildings. Three on one end and two on another. Julian didn’t retaliate, recognizing the delaying tactic. He dodged the next barrage of bullets and kept running, relying on his speed to evade them. He had no time for their bullshit.
More Hunters ahead. They must’ve been waiting, expecting a chase. At first, they stayed away and fired on him from afar, but after they realized they couldn’t slow him down without direct confrontation, a group of them blocked Julian’s path.
Julian didn’t slow. Extending his claws, he cut through the first two. Even in his haste, the waste of life weighed on him.
Why was it so important to them that Leah got away? Why save her? The Organization didn’t give a shit about its assets.
Before he could slice through the rest of the group, a silver chain wrapped around his right arm. Another coiled around his neck.
His skin sizzled, and he hissed. Jagged fire shot up his neck. In the millisecond that he gave pause, the Hunters trapped his other arm and legs in silver.
The thought of losing Leah was unbearable, a thousand times worse than the chains smoking his flesh.
Sadness gave way to seething, unending wrath.
They wanted to kill him? They wanted to steal his mate?
Time to stop playing.
Julian roared, the sound thundering to the heavens, and jerked his arms forward with all his strength. The two Hunters flew off their feet. His power slammed out of him and into the remaining Hunters, sending them to their knees. One by one, he cut them all down.
Be faster. Be quicker.
But bullets peppered him, Hunters cropping up in buildings flanking his path. The dead Hunter in his arms jerked from the impact. He wouldn’t catch up to Leah if he went after the Hunters. He’d wasted enough time already.
Need a hand?
Julian glanced behind him and saw two vampires a short distance away.
Felix and Gabriella.
Considering Felix’s protective nature, Gabriella’s presence amid a fight surprised him, but there wasn’t time for questions.
Go. We’ve got this,Gabriella said.