“Well, no, promiscuous.”
“That we are, but we mate for life. It’s highly unusual for one of us to find a mate, so it’s not common knowledge.”
“You mate for life? What? How?” she sputtered.
“It doesn’t matter, but rooming together protects both Gabby and Felix from the other vampires.”
“How does it protect them?”
Julian couldn’t explain the complicated vampire politics and power play to her. As mates, Gabby and Felix were stronger together if they presented a united front, especially since Gabby had been aground for four centuries and needed more time to return to her full strength. Plenty of vampires attending the Gathering would be watching those two closely for any sign of weakness.
Even though Leah was his mate, she still worked for the Organization. He wouldn’t give any more information to his enemy than he had to. Other than silver and sunlight, a vampire’s mate was another weakness for his kind. The Organization didn’t need more ammo against them.
His gaze caught hers. He wished her to see the truth of his words. “Believe me that it’s safer for both Gabby and Felix, especially Gabby, if they share a room. Will you please grant Felix’s request?”
What would Gabby think knowing she had such a champion? From what he knew of Gabby, she and Leah would get along great. Both of them had no use for established vampire authority or rules.
Why are you so worried about a vampire?The question was on the tip of his tongue.
The Organization hated their kind. All its members he’d met in the past shared in that zealous fanaticism. However, he hadn’t sensed that from her or observed that blind hatred in her interactions with his kind. Perhaps she was the world’s best actress. Doubtful, considering last night. Had that been her breaking point? She couldn’t stomach his touch anymore and resorted to that terrible performance?
Again, his gut churned with a sense of wrongness. He was missing something.
“But is Gabby safe from Felix?” she asked, bringing Julian back to the present.
That vulnerability again. His anger from last night melted. He wanted to tug her to him and kiss her until she confessed. “Completely safe. Like I said, they’re mates. They won’t hurt each other.”
His cock hardened as Leah worried her lips. She finally sighed and said, “Okay. I’ll allow his request, but if Gabby asks me to change it, I will.”
He gave in to the need to have her close and pulled her to him. He groaned when her softness molded to his chest and buried his face in her hair, inhaling deep until her scent was ingrained in his veins. Gods, he wanted her.
She splayed her hands wide over his chest, and his heart skipped a beat when she kissed the pulse over his neck.
“Julian…” His name in her husky voice was more beautiful than the singing of angels.
He pressed a kiss to her temples as unfulfilled lust clawed at his insides. “What happened last night?”
She froze. Uncertainty. Fear. All mingled with her arousal. “I don’t know what you mean. You’re the one who left in a huff.” She licked up his throat, her hand rubbing along his erection. “Can we finish what we started last night?”
Yes,his vampire shouted.Yes. Now!
It took every ounce of Julian’s strength to not throw her over his shoulder and take her to his bedroom. A sudden shrill ringing from his computer bolstered his control. To think, him, Ruler of Vegas, saved by the bell. How Felix would laugh if he found out.
“Don’t answer that,” she said.
“Stop.” Before she could bewitch him with her lips and her roaming hands, he moved away, putting his desk between them. Desire clouded her eyes, but beneath that, there was a steely determination, as though he was something for her to conquer.
His computer rang again.
She stepped back and tilted her head, looking genuinely confused. “Do you have a mate? Why did you take me to dinner last night?”
This time he did laugh at the irony of her question. “No, I don’t,” he lied.
“Then why?”
Another ring.