Page 44 of The Vampire's Claim

“I’m not his.” She glared at the vampire, refusing to fall for his charm. “How can I help you?”

“I’d like to request a room change. Clement told me you’re the one in charge.”

“What’s wrong with your room?”

“Nothing. I want to move in with someone else.”

“Then do so. You don’t need my permission to stay with another person.”

The vampire casually pulled back the other empty chair and sat down, stretching his long legs. “It’s a little complicated. The other room’s occupant doesn’t want me there. I need it to be formalized so she doesn’t have a choice.”

“You want to force someone to live with you?”

“Hmm… force is too strong a word. I need an opportunity to… ah, get on her good side, shall we say. Also, I have permission from our reverent King Alistair.”

His tone showed he had no reverence whatsoever for their king, but the smugness indicated that should be all the information she needed to do his bidding.

Leah was at a loss. Julian had given her discretion on the room assignments with one condition—all vampires were to stay in the Central Tower. The humans would stay at the periphery towers to prevent any unnecessary troubles.

The situation didn’t sit well with her. From the way the vampire talked, and the fact he needed permission from the Vampire King, if that was even true, this other person clearly had strong feelings against rooming with him. She didn’t want to mire herself into complicated vampire relationships, but…Dmitri and his smug smirk came unbidden into her thoughts.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t authorize that.”

The relaxed manner disappeared. The vampire’s eyes narrowed. Funny how easy it was to irritate them, especially the beautiful ones, who were used to getting their way all the time.

“I won’t force someone to room with you, so I’m afraid you’ll need another way to convince her.”

He straightened to his full height and stared down at her. “Do you know who I am?”

Leah sighed inwardly. God, vampires and their hierarchy. “I don’t care. If you’re pulling rank, go get Mr. Blackmore to do it for you.”

A twinkle appeared in the vampire’s eye.

Oh crap.

“If that’s the case, then you better come with me, Miss Davis.”

Leah bit back her gut reaction to tell him off. Blackmore had forbidden her from going up to his floor. But this vampire was clearly someone high up in the pecking order, might even be an Ancient.

Still, she refused to act like he was doing her a favor and huffed as she stood up. “Lucy, do you mind minding the desk while I deal with this?”

The other woman hadn’t uttered a word during the exchange. Smart. She knew how not to get into trouble with the vampires. No wonder she was one of the longest-serving staff around here.

Lucy nodded and mouthed, “Be careful.”

“Thanks,” Leah mouthed back.

Julian was meeting with Marek and Bryan when he sensed Leah on the same floor. What was she doing here? He thought he’d forbid her from coming here. Then he recognized the other presence with her, and a growl left him involuntarily.

Marek stopped mid-sentence. Both of his companions were quiet for a second before exchanging grins.

“Time to get out of your hair,” Bryan drawled. “We’ll go get the others all caught up and finish later.”

Julian nodded and prepared himself for whatever game Felix was playing. Marek and Bryan exited as Felix and Leah reached his office.

“Good to see you again, beautiful.” Bryan winked. “Don’t let these vampires bully you. Let me know if I can help you with anything.”

“Bryan…” Julian hissed.