Me:My hair is short.

Aunt Lori: And sort of gray now. But that’s not what I meant, and you know it.

Me:I guess I could put a barrette in and then take it out. That would be letting my hair down.

Aunt Lori:Are you…being funny?

Me:It happens from time to time.

Aunt Lori:Who are you and what did you do to my nephew?

Me:I’m not an alien. It’s just me. Be nice, or I won’t give you the mug. It’s a good one.

Aunt Lori: I want my mug. But I’m not giving up until I figure out the change. Maybe Abby will know.

Me:I’ll be there soon to get my kids.

Aunt Lori:Changing the subject, I see. Abby is the key.

Me:Just make sure my kids don’t burn down the house. See you soon.

Waking up with Emmy in my arms had been like heaven. She kicked the blankets off during the night and moved more in her sleep than even my kids did, but I didn’t care.

The second day of the wedding expo had been busy, though, for Emmy. In addition to the expo hours, the rest of her free time had been spent meeting with suppliers and businesses in the area. Our only time together had been late. So we’d only had a quick fuck that night before falling asleep.

Today we were headed home. I wished we could’ve shared a car, but it wasn’t possible since we both needed ours back in Starry Hills. After giving her a long, possessive kiss, we hit the road.

I tried not to worry that the happiness of the last few days would end once we were back home. In the first few weeks of my marriage, I’d had a brief bubble of bliss with my wife too. But that had only been lust, which hadn’t lasted long.

However, I refused to believe what I had with Emmy was merely lust. The fun we’d had in the pool still made me smile, and I’d never been able to laugh so easily one minute and then be turned on the next.

I spent most of the drive remembering the last few days, a stupid smile on my face, and before I knew it, I pulled into the back of the main house where the family lived and parked. I hadn’t done more than exit the car when I heard Avery shout, “Daddy! You’re home!”

She ran toward me, and I crouched down to engulf her in my arms. “I’ve missed you, baby girl.”

After squeezing me hard, she pulled back. “I missed you too, Daddy. Can we go for ice cream now?”

I blinked. “What?”

“You always say we can go for ice cream later, and it never happens. Can we go now?”

Wyatt finally joined us. He didn’t race into my arms, but I pulled my son in for a quick hug and then ruffled his hair. Wyatt said, “I want to go too, even if Aunt Lori said it was too close to dinnertime.”

I stood and put a hand on each of their shoulders, gently prodding them forward. “You know better than to keep asking adults the same question until you get the answer you want.”

Avery looked sheepish. “I know, but I just want to spend time with you, Daddy.”

“Then we can spend time helping Aunt Lori or one of your uncles with something.”

Avery tapped her finger against her chin. “Or we could go visit Emmy! It’s been days since we went to her property.”

Emmy and I had discussed how to handle my kids. We’d act like before until we were more certain of the future. Avery got attached easily, and I didn’t want to get my daughter’s hopes up and then destroy them.

“You can go over there tomorrow. Tonight, she needs to rest. She has another wedding in a few days, and the expo was really busy.”

In fact, between her weddings and the Summer Star Festival next week, I wasn’t sure when I’d finally get to take her on a date.

Which dimmed my mood a little.