“Probably, if your dad says it’s okay.”

West grunted, any trace of his smile gone. “Fine. Anything to keep me from dying of hunger.”

As we made our way out of the calving barn—Avery took pride in switching off the lights—and headed toward the main house, the kids filled the silence. I stole a few glances at West, but he never took his gaze from his kids or the path ahead of him.

Which was for the best, really. I wasn’t sure what had just happened inside the calving barn. But given how I kept remembering his smile and wondering how firm or soft his lips might be, I most definitely needed to stay away from him.

So why had I offered to bring him snacks?



Abby:We’re totally going to pull this off.

Me:I hope so. Zach deserves to go down a peg.

Abby:You only say that because he took the biggest slice of cake last time, even knowing it was your favorite.

Me:He did it precisely because he knew it was my favorite.

Abby:Well, there were leftovers.

Me:That’s not the point. I want bragging rights.

Abby:West? Are you there? We want bragging rights, so do your part.

West:I will.

Abby:That’s it? Really? We could do with some pumping up.


Abby:Okay, that just plain sucks for encouraging us. Negative two for effort.

Me:Hey, be nice. We need his help.

West:Yes, be nice to me, Abby. Maybe even grovel a little.

Abby:Well, they do say to listen to your elders. And you do have gray hairs.


We made it to the house, washed, and finished setting the table before Abby sidled up to me and whispered, “Ready?”

Even though I was twenty-five years old, at times like this, I felt all of twelve again, back when I’d finally joined in with one of Abby’s crazy dinner games. “Yes, although it’s going to depend a lot on West and his kids.”

“Don’t worry about him. He promised. Besides, he loved driving us siblings crazy as a kid.”

“But didn’t you say that Beck and West often teamed up against the rest of you?”

“Maybe. But West promised his kids he’d help, and he always follows through with the twins.”

“That’s true.”

Zach entered the dining room, spotted us together, and grinned. “Now what kind of trouble are you two coming up with?”

Abby and I both looked as innocent as possible. “We never get into trouble.”