Page 121 of Stay With Me Forever

I chuckled. “It’s hard to imagine you making out here in the open.”

“It was easier back then. Now, people have this vision of me that’s not quite real, and I’m seen as a conquest.” He sighed. “So much so, people play games to try and snag me.”

“That fucking woman is still saying you’re engaged?”

“Yes. I dated Wendy for a month until I saw how shallow and possessive she was. But she won’t let it go and is trying to force my hand. Or at least she’s trying to make me look like a heartless asshole, like I led her on and she’s the victim in this whole thing.”

“What are you going to do about it?”

He sighed. “I’m working on it.”

“Can I help?”

“No, but if I do need any help, I’ll promise to ask you, okay?”

I grunted. “You’d better. I don’t care how fucking famous you are. You’re still my little brother. And if I need to kick some ass, I will.”

Nolan laughed. “I’ll remember that.” He stood. “I have a video call I need to make. But I’ll ask Adriana to recommend a good lawyer for you, provided you also promise to ask me for help if you truly need it. Because that’s what brothers do, and it’s about time we all start acting like a family again. You may have been the first to leave, but you weren’t the only.”

I stood and clapped him on the shoulder. “I agree. Something’s up with Abby, and I haven’t even been here that long.”

We started walking back toward the house. “We’ve tried to figure out what happened, but to no avail. All I know is that she wants to give up teaching, so I think something happened at her old school.” Nolan’s gaze turned hard. “If I find out some asshole hurt her, I don’t care what it does to my public image, I’m hunting him down and teaching him a lesson.”

“And I’ll be right there with you.”

As we planned ways to scare the shit out of some make-believe guy, Nolan and I bonded a little. It was easier now that we were older.

Not that we were best friends, but by the time we reached the house again, we’d made plans to go out for beers and watch the latest football game.

Little by little, I was getting my family back. And hopefully, soon enough, I’d secure my new one with Emmy too.



Katie:I can’t wait for this birthday party in two days! The twins are going to love my surprise.

Me:Um, what surprise? You’re supposed to help with the setup and watch the kids during the party.

Katie:Oh, I’ll do that too. But I have a surprise, one they’ll love.

Amber:They barely even know you.

Abby:They’re my niece and nephew, and I don’t even have a surprise, just a present.

Katie:It’s like a Welcome to Starry Hills gift. Don’t worry. It’s not outrageous.

Me:That doesn’t really soothe me much. This is my first birthday with the twins, so please be on your best behavior.

Katie:Blame Zach if things get wild. He always, always tries to provoke the four of us.

Amber:Not me.

Katie:Fine. The three of us.

Me:No pranks, no flash mob dances, no paintball guns. Keep it low-key.

Katie:You think so little of me. I look forward to your apology later.