Page 90 of Curveball

He nods affirmatively. “No big deal.”

Cass doesn’t look entirely sold but he lets it go. He has to, really, because news of mine and August’s presence spreads quickly across the small fortress his family has created. Soon, we’re swarmed. August is swept away towards the ocean. I’m guided to a free spot on the sand right next to a towel I learn to be Cass’ when he drops down onto it—it strikes me, as he stretches out, that I’ve never seen his bare legs either. Only the tops of tattooed thighs. How weird, considering the circumstances.

“What’re you waiting for?” A hand slaps me on the ass as Luna saunters past, looking like a bikini company’s wet dream as she heads for the ocean. “Let’s go for a swim.”

I stall, one hand on my hip and the other shielding my eyes as I pretend to be super interested in the crashing waves. It’s not that I’mshyabout my body. I’m just… cautious. Wary that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea. That, despite the fervent appreciation he showed it to land us in our current situation, in the light of day, it might not be Cass’—pathetic, I know.

I’m small but I’m notsmall. Tiny in stature only. Still got thighs that touch and boobs that sag and a pooched belly riddled with stretch marks. The kind of extra weight you can easily hide with clothing, disguise with strategically tucked t-shirts or flowing dress but in a swimsuit, it’s all out in the open.

“Need some help?”

I glance at Cass, hating how carefully,knowingly, he watches me. “No.”

“Forget your swimsuit? ‘Cause this is a nude-friendly beach. Learned that the hard way.”

I roll my lips together to impede a laugh. “I didn’t forget.”

Cass cocks his head, tutting quietly. “Shame.”

Oh, he’sgood. Surely, not many people can wield flirting so efficiently; pumping up one’s ego whilst simultaneously distracting them, so I’m halfway out of my shirts before I even realize I’ve unbuttoned them.

As I take my sweet time wriggling out of the rest of my clothes, Cass watches.Looks. Everywhere. Extensively. With a carefully blank expression but that’s okay—his eyes are expressive enough. Laser-focused like they’re trying to see beneath my plain black swimsuit. He…

I swallow. He likes what he sees, I think. Iknow, actually, because I know that look.Intimately. Dark and promising, it wavers when his gaze snags on my stomach. Growing yet softening, changing into something else entirely, and I know exactly why.

I’m showing. Likereallyshowing. There’s an undeniably pregnant swell to my belly that I swear magically appeared overnight because I sure as hell didn’t notice it yesterday. And I definitely would’ve; on the long list of pitiful things I’ve been doing lately, being shamefully excited to see Cass’ reaction to my bump is high up there.

It’s a lot more reserved than I was expecting.

Cass swallows so loud, I hear it. He sits up slowly, practically eye-level with my stomach, wrists limp where they hang off his bent knees but his hand fisted tightly, like he’s fighting some gut reflex.

“Do you wanna…” Fuck, this sounds weird. “Touch it?”

His fingers twitch. “Can I?”

“You don’t have to ask.” I’d prefer if he didn’t, actually, because granting him permission to feel me up is almost as uncomfortable as asking if he wants to.

“I was being polite.”

“Weird trait to suddenly develop at your age.”

It’s payback for my quip, I think, how abruptly Cass lays his hand on me without warning. It’s definitely a reflex, how I jolt and grab his wrist. I don’t push him away, though. I just kinda… hold him. Move with him as he palms my stomach gently, following the curve of it.

When he breaks out in the biggest, brightest grin, I feel it in my chest. Behind my ribcage, a little to the left. Just as big, just as bright, growing when he murmurs, “There you are.”

I swear, anatomically unlikely as it might be, something stirs beneath my skin. “I’m vetoing Pear, by the way.”

Cass pouts but he doesn’t look away. “I thought it was inspired.”

“Pear is not inspired. Pear gets bullied on the playground for having parents who hate them.”

“Don’t worry, Pear.” Cass pats my stomach, and I fuckingburn. “I am not above fighting children.”

Why, oh, why, do I find that so adorably endearing?

“Nick!” Twisting to search for his brother-in-law, Cass waves him down. “Got your camera?”

Nick scoffs as he jogs towards us, stopping to dig in a beach bag for something and holding it up with a look that screams,‘duh. Of course I bring my big, fancy, expensive camera to the beach.’