And just like that, I have a girlfriend.
* * *
Silence fills my living room.
Sweat damn near beads on my brow with the exertion of keeping my gaze on the television and ignoring the six sets of eyes burning a hole in the side of my face.
What feels like an hour passes before Ben asks, very slowly and a little incredulously, “What did you just say?”
Clearing my throat, I repeat what I blurted out halfway through movie night—ripping off the bandaid style. “Sunday and I are dating.”
More silence. Then, some shuffling. The sound of paper crinkling and palms slapping together. Curiosity piqued, I turn towards the people strewn across my sofas, and gape at my friends as they slip bills into Kate’s awaiting hand. “What the fuck?”
“She had March,” Jackson explains, kind of. “I bet you wouldn’t get your head out of your ass until at least the summer.”
I blink at each of them in turn. “You bet on us getting together?”
“Uh-huh.” Luna grins, unashamed as she tosses her friend a fifty. “I had no hope for you whatsoever.”
I chuck a pillow in her direction and punch Nick on the thigh, just because he’s the closest. “When did this start?”
“Ben and Luna started it that first day of practice. The rest of us joined in after your birthday.”
“You guys are…” Completely predictable. Honestly, I don’t know why anything they do surprises me anymore. “Do I at least get a cut?”
“You get a pretty girlfriend. That’s your cut.”
“And a baby.” Beside me, Amelia sniffs for… I’ve lost track. Unpregnant Amelia is a leaky faucet; Pregnant Amelia is a never-ending fountain. Especially when it comes to me and my unborn child. “Why isn’t she here?”
Showcasing the most incredible timing, the doorbell rings. Once again, I rip off the proverbial band aid. “That should be her, actually.”
We thought it would be easier like this. I tell them, she shows up, we face the inquisition together. We thought by telling them all at once, we’d only get bombarded with questions, comments, or concerns—only Sunday is worried about the latter—once.
But when Luna squeals, scrambled off her husband’s lap, and races towards the front door, and everyone’s attention swings to the nervous individuals Luna is triumphantly ushering into my home, I start to think we made the wrong choice.
August is on high alert. He’s met everyone before but the shift in circumstances has him antsy, extra protective, like a child bodyguard. Standing slightly in front of his mother, he surveys each of my friends carefully, studying them cautiously like he’s expecting… God, I don’t even know. I can’t imagine—or rather, I don’t want to imagine, because I have a pretty strong feeling it’s something they’ve encountered before.
All I can do is pray my friends understand the silent Be On Your Best Behavior Memo I throw them through narrow-eyed looks. “You all remember August, right?”
A chorus of greetings ring out. Ever so slightly, August relaxes. Even more so when Luna gently squeezes his shoulder and jerks her head towards the backyard. “Isaac’s out back with the others.”
Hesitating, August checks with his mother. If not for her gently pushing him away with an encouraging—albeit slightly stiff—smile, I don’t think he would leave. But he does, and as his share of the attention lands on Sunday, I step in.
Sunday backs up a step as I approach. She bumps into Luna, who snickers and shoves her forward again while murmuring something aboutadorable young lovebeneath her breath.
A pale, freckled throat bobs with a hard swallow. “Hi.”
Despite my own nerves, I smile.“Hi.”
In perfect harmony, my dickhead friends sing a drawn out, “Hi.”
Fucking hell.
Throwing them a glare over my shoulder, I side-step to block Sunday from view. Meaning when I set a hand on her waist, only I see her jump. Kissing my teeth quietly, I stoop, watching her eyes go wide the closer I get. “If you flinch every time I touch you, we’re gonna have a problem.”
The muscles beneath my palm relax, if only marginally. If only so she can refocus the tension elsewhere—a scowl. “I did not flinch.”
She totally did but I’m not sure arguing is wise considering our current company, so I let it go.