* * *
Alex has gotten huge.
Six months old and still an angel.
We spent Christmas on the ranch, all of us, even Cass. I think that was the longest he's spent in one place since graduating. He's kind of hot shit now, which is weird. We went out for dinner in town one night and got papped which is even fucking weirder. The next day our faces were splashed across the front of some stupid tabloid, the highlight being a picture of Cass cradling Alex and the headline wondering who the MLB’s newest star pitcher knocked up.
We checked on the house’s progress too. It's almost time to start painting and decorating and doing all the fun shit and I can't fucking wait. Ma's already made a million things, from paintings to vases to mugs to those weird little decorative ceramic bowls that aren't big enough to have an actual use but they're cute and they kind of make a place feel lived in.
I'm excited, I'm really fucking excited, to make that building site into a home.
Our home.
* * *
We did a walkthrough of the finished house today. Electrical, plumbing, all that shit is done now. The fun can start. Well, kind of fun, kind of incredibly fucking stressful. I don't know if it looks bigger because it's empty but the place is fucking enormous. Like, excessively so. Like, more rooms than we can fill. It almost feels wrong, the two of us owning something so extravagant but I love it, I really do.
Modern farmhouse, I think Pinterest would call it.
It creeps me out a little, being all blank and empty and echoey inside, but Jackson promised the next time I'm there it'll be a little livelier.
I wish I could stay there all the time. I'm so fucking close to being done with college. I don't know what I'm going to do after but I'm leaning towards taking a year off to figure it out. UCSV has a JD program that I'm looking into. But that's another three years in Sun Valley and I don't think I really wanna do that.
Whatever. I'll figure it out. It's not like I'm in a rush.
* * *
I'm a college graduate.
A miracle, really, considering how much of a fucking ride the last couple of years have been. I can't believe I did it.
Shit, I'm kind of proud of myself.
It was a bittersweet day. We had to pack up the house, for real this time. Ben's moving in with some other friends for his senior year, Pen's moving in with her new boyfriend, so it was time to actually say goodbye. We all had a little cry.
But we got to move into our house. God, I love it. I love it so fucking much. Jackson was right about brightening it up; he did all the painting himself and every inch of the house has a little touch of his handiwork. I can tell Line has been here because there are fresh flowers everywhere, and Lux must've popped in to stock the fridge at some point. They're nowhere to be seen now though.
I'm glad because we plan on thoroughly christening every inch of this place.
* * *
Fuckity fuck fuck.
We have royally fucked up.
Two months.
My IUD was taken out two fucking months ago. It needed to be replaced and I put off getting a new one because the fucker hurt like a bitch going in the first time, and coming out, and I was hyping myself up to go through that again.
I took the pill while I made up my mind.
We used condoms.
And he still managed to knock me up.