Yeah, it’s a bit too early for that kind of information.
Distracted by Pen and trying to shake off the nausea that hits when my friend’s dick is the subject of conversation, I accidentally loosen my grip on Luna. The second she wriggles free, she launches herself at Cass. The poor guy is completely defenseless, trapped between the wall and the very angry fake-brunette pummeling him. “One person, Cass!One personyou were supposed to keep your nasty dick away from!”
“Hey!” Cass' face tightens in a scowl as he batts Luna's slapping palms away, thumping her back for good measure. “My dick is not nasty!”
“I second that,” Pen chimes in, shoulders shaking with the effort of stifling her laughter, and Cass’s scowl shifts into a smirk that he directs her way.
In the blink of an eye, Luna steps into his line of sight, rising up on her tiptoes like she's trying to hide Pen from his view. “No!” She shoves him backwards with a frustrated groan before screeching again. “Amelia!”
It's comical, how quickly Cass' smirk disappears and morphs into pure panic. “Don't! I'm-”
The door of Nick's recently vacated bedroom creaking open interrupts Cass, and I swear the guy shrinks about a foot in height as a rumpled Amelia creeps out into the hallway, face creased in confusion as she rubs her eyes. Behind her, an equally disheveled, considerably angrier Nick follows. “Why the fuck is everyone yelling?”
An accusing finger jabs Cass in the chest. “Your brother put his dick in my sister!”
A bark of laughter disguised as a cough escapes Nick while Amelia cringes. “Seriously, Cass?”
“It was an accident!”
“Tell me, Cass.” I'm not even remotely surprised when Ben appears at the end of the hallway, Kate hovering behind him, the former cracking an amused smile while the latter sighs and shakes her head. “How do you accidentally put your dick in someone?”
Oh, if looks could kill.
“Shut up,” Cass snaps at Ben before turning to Amelia. “You can't say shit, Tiny. Andyou,” he directs at the Brazilian contingency of our friend group, “stop enjoying this.”
Nick’s Cheshire cat grin goes nowhere. “I'm sorry, I was just remembering something,” he drawls sarcastically, pretending to think. “Sisters are off-limits, was it?”
“I wanna punch you.”
I grab Luna before she can deliver on her growled remark, clamping her arms to her sides. “Don't punch him.”
“Let her,” Nick calls out. “He tried to punch me.”
“That's true!” Ben nods in agreement. “It's only fair.”
“Okay, enough.” Before fists can fly, Pen reigns in her laughter and steps between her latest conquest and her sister. “I appreciate the love, Lu, but I'm a big girl. I can fuck who I want.”
Luna wrinkles her nose. “But it'sCass.”
Cass throws out his arms in bewilderment. “Hey?”
Pen's cheeks twitch, her lips pressing together to hide the smile that's begging to curl her lips. “Jesus Christ, Luna, we're not getting married. It was just sex.”
“But we're moving in here,” Luna reminds her with a groan and a pout. “It's gonna be weird now.”
“No, it's not.” Pen cups her sister's face, hitting her with a no-bullshit deadpan look. “It was a one-night stand, LuLu. Let's not act like you're unfamiliar with the concept of sleeping with someone once and only once.”
Luna's defensive stance softens under my fingers. “Low blow.”
Pen chuckles as she pecks Luna's cheek. She grabs her hand, tugging her out of my grip and towards the stairs. “Come on. I was promised breakfast.”
Luna bristles at the expectant look Pen tosses Cass over her shoulder, even more so when he attempts to follow them downstairs. She darts in between them again, ushering Pen down the stairs and walking backwards after her, mouthingstay away from herat Cass with narrowed eyes.
The second Luna disappears from sight, I'm taking her place, flicking Cass on the forehead. “Seriously?” I flick him again for good measure.
Cass howls dramatically, scowling as he lifts a hand to rub his head. “God, you two are fucking violent.”
I roll my eyes. “Of all people, Cass. C'mon.”