I hum an affirmative noise.
“Are you mad I didn't tell you?”
“No.” At first, maybe a little, but I was quickly overwhelmed by feeling grateful that Lux could at least tell someone. And maybe a little selfishly happy that she chose Luna, of all people, to confide in. “Thank you for taking her to that appointment.”
“It was kind of cool,” she whispers, tilting her head toward me, showing me the smile gracing her lips. “I saw it wriggling around in there. Size of an avocado, the tech said.”
“You sawhim.” I squeeze her hip. “Lux said it's a boy.”
“Really?” Her smile brightens. “Aw. You get a nephew.”
You do too, I resist the urge to say.
Now who's getting ahead of themselves.
“Are you okay?” I throw her own question back at her. “After last night.” When she does nothing but nod, I tug on the ends of her hair. “Words, sweetheart.”
She makes an indignant little noise and scowls but it's half-hearted. “I'm good.” A manicured hand, nails a rare light blue, slips into mine, another wrapping around my bicep as she completely slumps against me. “I'm glad you know.”
Leaning down, I nudge her forehead with mine until she tilts her face upward, allowing me to brush my lips over the corner of her mouth. “I'm glad you told me.”
“I'm sorry it took so long.”
“Stop apologizing,” I mutter, kissing the other side before settling over her lips. My hand cups her cheek as I kiss her properly, soft and slow, in no rush to do anything but revel in the feel of her lips against mine. She sighs into my mouth, indulging me for entirely too short a time before pulling back.
Her voice is quiet, her expression so unfamiliarly unsure, her bottom lip trapped between her teeth as she asks, “Jackson, what're we doing?”
“You tell me.”
A brief pause passes before she swallows and says slowly, carefully, “It feels like we're back together.”
I don’t want to ask because God, do I fear the answer, but I do anyway, my voice embarrassingly croaky. “Do you want to be back together?”
For an agonizingly long time, Luna doesn't reply. When she does, it's so quiet I have to strain to hear her. “Yeah.” I literally go limp with relief. “But I'm scared I'm gonna mess it up again.”
Yeah, that makes two of us. I'm scared fucking shitless but for different reasons. It's scary how much of me belongs to her. How much of me is affected by, controlled by another person. But honest to fucking God, I wouldn't change it for the world. She fucking owns me and I don't give a shit.
I rest my forehead against hers. “You won't.”
She peers up at me, a soft, kind of frightened look in her eyes. “You can't say that.”
“Just did.”
“Luna.” I mimic her tone, adding an extra whine to it, pulling a reluctant smile out of her that I can't help but kiss. Gripping the nape of her neck so she can't go anywhere, I murmur against her mouth, “I'm not gonna rush you. I'm not gonna push you to do anything you don't wanna do. I'm just gonna tell you that the way I feel about you has never changed, not once. And if you try to push me away again, I won't let you. I know better this time. I'll fight like hell because I fucking love you, Luna.”
As the words leave my mouth, Luna’s eyes clamp shut, and I can’t tell what that means. If she’s steeling herself to shoot me down or trying to hide tears or just needs a minute to think.
Whatever it is, it lasts longer than a minute. It feels like an eternity. Goddamn forever passes before, eyes still shut, her mouth opens. “I don’t know if I can do it again.”
Heart stilling in my chest, my voice is barely a whisper. “Love me?”
“Lose you.”
“Did you hear what I just said, sweetheart?” A stroke of my thumb against her cheekbone coaxes those baby blues to open wide. “I’m not going anywhere, and I’m not letting you.”
Doubt still clouds her features, and I get it. I really, really get it. I don’t hold it against her, not even a little, as I carefully pull her onto my lap and kiss the top of her head. “I got you to trust me once, Luna. I can do it again.”