A dramatic shiver wracks her body as she pulls a face. “Please stop.”
“What? You getting all hot and bothered?”
“Enough!” The poor girl turns the same shade as her hair as she waves her hands frantically, as if to ward off my playful words. “Order whatever you want. I don't just care. Just please stop talking.”
I just grin, patting my friend's bright red cheek. “Good girl.”
I'm shitting myself.
Every mile closer we get towards Jackson's sisters, the worse I feel. Dread, anticipation and nerves twist in my stomach, causing an odd combination of ‘I might burst into tears’ and ‘I want to vomit.’
Usually, I don't give a flying fuck what people think of me. It's a well-documented fact that I am who I am and most of the time, I don't care what kind of opinion people might have about that.
But these people are different. They're important. I want them to like me. Ineedthem to like me. However, something deep in my gut tells me this weekend isn't going to work out in my favor.
Like I said before, everything is too perfect lately.
Something has to give.
Curled up in the passenger seat of Jackson's truck, trying and failing to focus on whatever song is playing on the radio instead of the negative thoughts buzzing around my mind, I've convinced myself that this weekend is going to mark the end of our weird, wonderful happy streak.
And because I'm not one to wallow alone, I make sure that Jackson is well aware of my fears.
“They're going to hate me.”
Like he has for the entire drive, Jackson insists otherwise. “No, they're not.”
I don’t believe him. Sisters never like the girlfriend. Especially when the girlfriend is a loud, promiscuous blonde who repeatedly steals their brother away for the holidays. Especially when it'sme.
I don't have experience with siblings, but I do have a history of being considered generally unpleasant by parents. Owen's parents never liked me. Kate's parents think I'm the devil reincarnate, their words verbatim. Hell, even my own dad didn't like me enough to stick around. Amelia’s dad and Ma are the only exceptions to the rule, and one of them is bound to me by flesh and blood so does it really count?
So, yeah, I don't exactly have high hopes that Jackson's family is going to fall in love with me on sight.
Jackson takes one hand off the steering wheel and settles it on thigh. “It'll be okay.”
Somehow, I really, really doubt it.
My nausea increases tenfold when the ranch comes into view, bathed in wintery, early morning light, looking like a fucking painting come to life. I would admire its beauty, if I wasn't so laser-focused on the four distant figures lingering outside what I'm assuming is the main house.
God, I really think I’m going to be sick.
The truck rolls to a stop, and Jackson gives my thigh another pat, shooting me an encouraging smile before getting out. He waves to his sisters as he jogs around to my side, opening my door for me. When he offers me a hand, I’m glad; without it, my shaky legs might’ve given out.
The Jackson siblings’ reunion is like something out of a movie. It’s as though they move in slow motion as they bound towards each other, all happy faces and excited greetings and big hugs. The blatant affection, the love, is downright palpable in the air.
Me? I trail behind, dithering on the sidelines, feeling awkward as fuck and weirdly jealous at the display. Not because I'm not a part of it but because... I don't know, I just don't have anything like that. Amelia and Kate are the closest I have to sisters, and I was pretty much an adult when I met them. I wish I'd grown up with what Jackson has, with siblings that double as best friends.
And, when all four Jackson women notice me at exactly the same time and four heads whip my way and four pairs of eyes begin their scrutiny, I kind of, terribly and selfishly, wish Jackson hadn’t.
All I manage to offer is the world’s most pitifully awkward wave.
Great start.
The youngest of the four is the first to take pity on me. My shopping cart surfer friend greets me with just as much enthusiasm as she did her brother, not hesitating to chuck herself in my arms. “Luna! I’m so glad you’re here!”