He nods again, a little more sure this time.
“You bought this ranch.”
“Yeah, sweetheart, I did.”
“You bought Serenity Ranch and you didn't tell me.”
Jackson winces.
“Uh.” One big shaky hand comes up to scratch the back of his neck. “The beginning of the year.”
“The beginning ofthisyear?”
He winces again.
Months ago he bought this place.
Months in whichwe were together. “And you didn't tell me?”
“I didn't want to freak you out.”
He didn't want to freak me out.
That, at least, I can understand.
He didn't want to drop a ranch-sized bomb right when we were getting back to normal.
How nice of him.
“So you're gonna live here? Permanently?”Hours away from me?
Jackson’s sad smile conveys he's thinking the exact same thing. “That's the plan. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner.”
“It’s okay.” And it is. I think, deep down, I suspected he’d move back here. He never really suited the city, not like he suits this place. I’m not, like, mad or anything.
I'm just not quite sure where it leaves me.
Swallowing hard, my gaze drifts back to the bare-bones structure. “Big house for one person.”
“That's true.” Tentative steps approach me from behind, nervous hands settling on my hips. “Gotta have room for my sisters.”
“And one for Alex.”
“I'd be surprised if there wasn't.”
“And an apartment above the garage for Ben.”
That pulls a laugh out of me. “Of course.”
Strong arms lock across my stomach and pull me back against a hard chest, warm breath tickling my cheek. “And room for all your shit.”
My breath catches in my throat. “I think you underestimate how much shit I have.”