He doesn't. He keeps pounding away, keeps hitting that spot. He shifts his weight so he's covering me, sweaty skin flush against sweaty skin as his chest hits my back. “You're gonna spend the rest of the day with my cum running down your thighs and you're gonna fucking like it.”
Another thrust and those dirty fucking words are what it takes to send me over the edge, dragging him with me. He catches my lips with his as we both come, his kiss as frantic as his thrusting as he empties inside of me, so much so that I feel his release dripping down my thighs before he's even done.
It takes a while for our breathing to regulate, for our bodies to stop quivering. His forearms brace either side of me so he doesn't crush me under his weight, his lips pressed to my bare, clammy shoulder, his breath hot against my flushed skin.
It's a stark contrast to minutes before, the gentle way his lips caress my shoulders and neck, the delicate way he cups my chin and turns me to face him. “You're mine, Lu,” he murmurs softly, nothing but brutal sincerity glowing in those brown eyes I love. “I'm not giving you up again.”
“We're here!”
Mere seconds pass after I shoulder open the front door before a bundle of dark hair throws herself at us, one arm wrapping around my neck while the other hooks around Luna’s.
“You're here!” Eliza squeals, the smile on her face is nothing short of ecstatic. “And you're together.”
“Eliza,” I warn but I'm unable to keep my lips from tipping upwards. I knew she'd be happy to see Luna. I'm glad she's happy to see Luna. Fuck,I'mhappy to see Luna on the ranch again, and because of some family emergency, and she looks happy to be here. “Where are the others?”
“Lux is coming downstairs now,” Eliza tells me, releasing me but showing no signs of letting Luna go. “So she'll be here in, like, thirty minutes.”
“I heard that, brat,” Lux huffs as she waddles into the kitchen. If I thought Luna looked happy before, it's nothing compared to how her face brightens when she catches sight of Lux, mimicking one of Eliza's excited shrieks as she rushes to her side. Hands reaching out in front of her, she waits until Lux nods her permission before setting them on her rounded stomach. “Look at you,” she coos, smoothing her hands over the bump affectionately.
“I know,” Lux grunts. “I'm huge.”
Luna flicks her gently. “You're glowing.”
“You're full of shit,” Lux retorts, nudging Lu's hands away and pulling her in for a side hug. Ruffling Eliza's hair before detaching her from me, I move to kiss the eldest of my sisters on her cheek, studying her carefully.
Relief floods my body, relaxing permanently tense muscles. She looks good. Tired and more than a little uncomfortable if the way she keeps rubbing her back and scrunching her face is anything to go by, but good. Healthy. Looks can be deceiving though so I ask anyway, “You doing okay?”
“Yes,” she replies a little too quickly. “I'm fine. Everything is fine.”
Grace ambles into the room just in time to catch the end of that sentence, and she comes to an abrupt halt. She narrows her eyes at Lux, and Lux narrows hers right back. Some kind of silent conversation transpires between them, one that ends with Lux huffing in annoyance as Grace turns to me. “Her blood pressure is shit. Doc said she needs to take it easy but she's not listening.”
“You are such a tattle-tale,” Lux hisses. Glancing at me, she holds up her hands innocently. “I'm fine. I promise, I'm fine.”
“A medical professional seems to disagree.”
“I'm taking it easy!”
Grace snorts.
“My blood pressure is fine.” Lux insists shrilly. “I was just having a bad day.”
Unconvinced, I shoot her a look, pulling out one of the chairs tucked under the kitchen table and staring at it pointedly. An almighty huff leaves my sister as she reluctantly plops herself in it, muttering what I'm sure are all kinds of threats against my life.
I rest my hand on her shoulder, leaning down to murmur in her ear. “It's not just yourself you gotta take care of anymore, Lux.”
She scowls but it's half-hearted. Two protective hands settle on top of her belly. “I know.”
“Then stop being a dumbass and listen to the damn doctor. Okay?”
She grumbles something that I'm pretty sure is an agreement, swatting me away when I kiss her cheek. “Yeah, well, I learned how to be a dumbass from you.”