Page 192 of Bide



Something about startingyour morning being bent over the bathroom counter by your hot boyfriend just puts a girl in a good mood.

I don't even mind that I'm spending a beautiful afternoon behind a desk tucked away in a stuffy, minuscule cupboard of an office. When the office assholes make their usual snide comments about my coffee-making abilities, they just roll off my back. When I'm asked to copy something for the thousandth time that day, I do it with a smile. And when, while sorting through a mountain of paperwork, I glance up to find Paul paying me a visit, my smile doesn’t fade. “What can I do for you?”

It doesn’t take long for his surprise at my pleasantries to fade into a slick smirk. “Someone's in a good mood.” His knees knock against mine as he rounds my desk and props himself on the edge. “Happy to see me?”

My smile twitches ever so slightly. The wheels of my chair creak quietly as I roll away from him. “Did you need something?”

“Yeah.” He inches closer again. “You.”

Ah, shit.

Paul's fingers brush my thigh and I shift out of his reach, crossing my legs and angling them away from him. His forehead creases in a frown. “You've kinda disappeared on me lately.”

“Right.” I clear my throat. “Yeah, I, uh, got back with my ex.”Exdoesn't feel like the right word to describe Jackson but it's the only one I can think of right now. “So we can't... you know, anymore.”

Paul’s smile drops. “Oh.” He huffs out a dull laugh, an irritated gleam in his eyes. “Recently, I'm guessing? Or were you fucking both of us at the same time?”

I flinch at his tone. “Don't be a dick, Paul.”

“I'd rather be a dick than a slut.”


With a sigh, I stand. Stalking towards the door, I hold it wide open with one hand, gesturing for him to leave with the other. “Get out, Paul, or I'm reporting you to HR for harassment.”

A simple, empty threat but it’s enough for him to concede. “Whatever,” he stomps towards me. “You're not even worth it. Just a shit, easy fuck.”

“What did you just say?”

Both of us freeze. Our gazes snap towards the man lingering just a few feet down the hall. A paper takeout bag from Greenies in one hand, a bouquet of flowers in the other, Jackson grasps the latter so tightly, I’m surprised the stems don’t snap. He stands stock still, shoulders squared and body taut, almost like he's ready for a fight, but there's this eerie calm expression on his face. Calculating, almost.

When no one replies, Jackson cocks his head slightly, dark eyes burning into Paul. “I asked you a question.”

“Mind your own business.” Paul scoffs but it’s shaky. He tries to slip away but Jackson is in front of him in a flash, blocking his escape.

“Jackson,” I say, an edge of warning to my voice, my eyes darting around the office. It's almost empty at this time, with most people out on their lunch break and anyone still here has their gaze trained on a computer screen but still. I don't want to make a scene in front of the handful of people lingering.

Jackson's gaze flickers to me for a moment, and none of the anger lurking in there is directed at me but it still knocks me back a step. Yeah, he heard exactly what Paul said.

And he ispissed.

“Listen,” Paul raises two pacifying hands, “I didn't say anything. We were just talking.”

“No,shewas asking you to leave.Youwere being rude.”

“I get why you’re pissed. I’d be pissed too if my girlfriend was ran through by half the office. But don't take it out on me.”


“You lying little-”

One kiss of Jackson’s teeth thwarts my intention of slapping some manners into Paul.

It shouldn't be hot, the threatening look he pins Paul with. It shouldn't send a shiver up my spine, the single step he takes towards him, just enough so he invades his personal space. And the voice Jackson addresses Paul with, the low, quiet one loaded with something subtly menacing definitely shouldn't send heat pooling between my legs.