“With you?”
“Technically with Ben.” I roll my eyes as he tugs on my hair, rising to look me in the eyes again. “Nick and Cass are moving out after graduation. I'm keeping my room here but I'll be back at Serenity most of the time. There's more than enough space for you and Pen.”
“Are you serious?”
Jackson hums. “You'd be doing me a favor, really. I wouldn't have to worry about you living in some shithole and I wouldn't have to feel bad about ditching Ben.”
“You'd really want that? Me living here?”
Duh, says his face.
“I'd be here all the time.”
“You're here all the time anyway,” he counters. “And that's kinda how I prefer it.”
I chew on my bottom lip as I mull it over. It would be kind of ideal. It's close to college. It's close to both my jobs. I know the rent is dirt cheap because the landlord is some sweet old lady who was mesmerized by her four handsome tenants. And I like this house. It's cold and it always smells like beer and boy and paint but it's nice.
And it comes with Ben and room for my sister.
It's not like I'm moving in with Jackson,I rationalize with my quickly overthinking brain. He'll be at home helping Lux and the baby most of the time. We'd be more like... occasional roommates. Maybe it would help with missing him, being here. I'm trying not to dwell on the fact he's leaving soon, I really am, but it's always in the back of my mind.
“Fine.” One word has him breaking out in this big ass smile that makes my heart thump a little faster. “But I'm buying new furniture. I refuse to sleep in a bed that Nick or Cass have been in.” Or use their desks. The couch will probably have to go too.Definitelythe kitchen counters.
Honestly, every surface in this entire house probably needs replacing.
Jackson laughs. “You won't need to, sweetheart. You can stay in here.”
“But this is your room.”
“Yours, if you want it.” He must see the hesitation on my face because he sighs. Sitting up, he drags me with him, one hand settling low on my back, the other cupping my neck as my legs wrap around his waist and my arms go around his neck. “I'd prefer it. Keeping my bed warm and shit.”
Yeah, who the fuck am I kidding? I’d prefer that too.
“Are you sure?” I ask one more time, ignoring how he rolls his eyes. “You can't take it back once I say yes. You'll be stuck with me.”
The corner of his mouth twitches. “Are you saying yes?”
“Yeah.” He tries to kiss me but again, I dodge him. “If Pen says yes too.”
Jackson grins, big and bright. “I already talked to her. She's taking Nick's room.”
“You are such a fucking sneak.” I try to slap his arm but he catches my hand, wrapping it in his fist and holding it to his chest. His third attempt to kiss me is successful, his smiling lips catching my pouty ones as he lowers me onto my back again. He keeps me flush against him, hand cupping my cheek and tilting my face upwards, gaining better access as he coaxes my mouth open with his tongue.
A moan vibrates through as his hips grind into mine, trapping me between him and the bed in the best way possible. My heels dig into his ass as I urge him impossibly closer, lifting my hips to meet his as he kisses me harder, his grip getting rougher.
A hand on my thigh hoists my legs higher, opens my legs wider before skimming along my upper thigh, inching towards the spot between them that throbs for him. His hips grind again, drawing a whimper from me as his hand gets closer and closer until...
His screamed name does not come from my lips.
The sound of thumping does not come from his headboard repeatedly hitting the wall as I wish it did.
It comes from his bedroom door, from the force of someone’s fists thundering against it.
Jackson and I break apart with simultaneous groans, his murderous expression mirroring mine. “What?” we snap in unison.
“Get your dick out of your girlfriend for two seconds and come help us set up!”