Page 182 of Bide

Pulling away, he pecks the corner of my mouth. “Stop tryna seduce me. I just wanna kiss you.”

“That's boring.”

Another laugh, and a hand claps down on my ass. “Tough shit.”

Ignoring my whine of protest, he spins me around. I hear the sound of him popping open a bottle before his hands are on me again, all soapy and slippery this time. He coasts them over my stomach, up my sides, carefully avoiding all the places I want him until I'm squirming.

When a noise of disappointment rumbles in my chest, I feel his smile against my neck right before two large hands suddenly cup my tits, squeezing just enough to have my stomach clenching. His thumbs flick over my nipples, making me gasp, as his teeth catch my earlobe.

One hand continues teasing while the other heads down, trapping itself between my thighs as he cups my pussy. “I haven't been inside you in seven months, Luna,” he rasps in my ear. “Call me selfish but when I fuck you again, I wanna be the only thing on your mind.”

A groan rips from my throat as his fingers tease but they're gone before I get any real action. I groan again, for different reasons, as he goes back to washing my hair like he said nothing at all, leaving me conflicted over whether I want to fuck him or murder him.

My pout is short-lived, gone before it’s truly formed, chased away by a whisper against the curve of my neck. “Did you mean what you said earlier?”

Turning in his arms, I coax his face out from where he’s attempting to hide it in my collarbone. I take my time dragging my gaze over his features, relishing in having him so close, so personal, again. I note the shadow of vulnerability in warm eyes, and it urges me to recite my own words from what feels like so long ago, even if repeating them scares the shit out of me, “You respect me. You protect me. You stick up for me. And you’re very, very nice to me. Even when I don’t deserve it.”

With every word, Jackson straightens. His face brightens.Hebrightens, every inch of him, and I greedily soak up the glow. “That’s a very long way to say ‘yes.’”

“I think you deserve the long way.”



I am never goingto find somewhere to live.

Apartment hunting in this city is useless. Everything is too shit or too expensive or too far away from college and it fuckingsucks.

We need to get out of that damn apartment. Like, literally need to get out. It seems Daddy Dearest has changed tactics; he went from blowing up Pen's phone with desperate pleas for forgiveness to threatening to cut her off.

She thought he was bluffing.

The notice of eviction we got in the mail last week begs to differ.

When the month is up, we will literally be homeless.

With a groan, I flop on Jackson’s bed, body barely hitting the soft mattress before a hand strokes my hair. “No luck?”

I snort.No luckis an understatement.Luckhas never touched the last place we viewed, a studio owned by a creepy old guy who thinks bunk beds, a single armchair and a toaster oven qualifies asfully furnished. “We're so fucked.”

“You'll find something.”

God, I wish I had Jackson’s optimism. “Pen is gonna have to live in a hotel room with her mom for the next however many months until the divorce is final and I'm gonna have to go back to New York and move in with my mom.”

There's another chuckle as a heavy weight settles over me, Jackson's hands sneaking under my back and his head resting on my chest. Lips kiss the swell of my breast, then my collarbone before nuzzling the crook of my neck. “What about Kate and Amelia?”

“That wouldn't work.” They'd be more than willing to take me in, I have no doubt. They were pretty devastated that I moved out in the first place. But there's no room there for Pen. Shit, there's barely room for me. And, honestly, it would be weird, me living there again. Not only because I'd be in the middle of two disgustingly in love couples, but also because... I don't know, it feels like I've outgrown that place, I guess. Like the me who lived there isn't me now.

Jackson props himself up on his elbows, one of those serious, intense expressions on his face. He tangles a hand in my hair, thumb swiping my cheek, the corner of his mouth tipping up as he swallows, almost nervously. “Move in here.”

I almost choke on my breath. “What?”

“Move in here,” he repeats, a little steadier this time.

I blink. “Here?”

His smile grows, head dropping so his lips can brush my cheek. “Mmhmm.”