My smile was replaced by a frown and a sigh. Mandy was walking along the sidewalk toward us. Upon seeing Jax, her face contorted into a grimace, and she visibly gulped.
Mandy. I wasn’t a vindictive person, and I always tried to forgive people their mistakes. But her malicious behavior had almost cost me, Xander and Osric our lives. She approached and I scowled at her, making clear I wasn’t in a forgiving mood.
She tried to lift her lips in a smile and failed, her words shaky as she said, “Erm, hi guys. Having an evening stroll?”
“No thanks to you,” Jax said bluntly.
She winced. “I, well. I know you’ve been upset and talking to others in the pack. I—”
“Shut your mouth and listen.” Jax spoke through gritted teeth. His voice had changed, sounding gravelly. His eyes were yellow again. I wasn’t scared, but Mandy sure looked unnerved.
Not replying, she simply stood, her head hanging slightly, like a child being scolded by a parent.
“Your fucking bullshit almost cost people their lives, Mandy,” Jax growled. “Maybe you didn’t know what danger you were sending Ceci into, but that’s no excuse. You bully and manipulate and don’t think about others. Your obsession with being looked up to, being the one on top. Well”—he took in a deep breath, his words on the verge of snarling out—“I’ve not only talked to the other pack members, I’ve talked to the athletic coaches. They’re in full agreement with me. You’re off the cheerleading squad. You’re also banned from attending all Sentinels’ games for the foreseeable future.”
Her eyes flared. “No, you can’t—”
“The hell I can’t. And everyone in the pack knows about your bullshit now too, and the danger it put people in. I wouldn’t expect your little bunch of followers to be quite so interested in hanging out with you after this.”
“Jax, please.” She looked up at him and begged, her voice actually sounding sincere. “It was just a prank…”
“Prank!?” Jax’s canines elongated and Mandy took a step back. “You were messing with something you didn’t even understand. Violating my privacy. Violating Ceci’s free will and influencing her to leave just because you were jealous. Ceci was trussed up and almost sliced to pieces by a serial killer!”
I squeezed his hand. “I’d like to say something too,” I said.
Mandy stayed silent. Like she knew she was at the end of a very short rope.
“I am angry with you, Mandy. Like Jax. But honestly, I just hope you’ve learned something from this. There’s more to life than trying to claw your way to the top.”
She didn’t answer, just looked serious and a bit dejected, for once.
Jax wasn’t finished. “And I’ve made a deal with my dad. I won’t be Beta, but I’ll still be part of the pack, keeping an eye on things. You really don’t want to fuck around again. Keep your nose clean for alongtime, and maybe, just maybe, things will get better. Understand?”
She nodded. I had to admit, even after all her cruelty and pettiness, I felt sorry for her.
“Now, we’re done,” Jax growled.
“Okay, okay,” Mandy said, skulking past us and down the sidewalk. I hoped she’d find her way to a better attitude in life. But I wasn’t optimistic.
The mood soon returned to a chirpy one as we got closer to Pascal’s restaurant. I wondered out loud what delicious dishes he’d prepared. The guys took turns guessing, coming up with more and more ridiculous combinations, at least, ridiculous to me—like Xander’s banana blood marrow foster.
As the sun began disappearing, and the sunset started bathing the downtown, its buildings’ lights gradually turning on, Aaron’s voice called out from behind us, “Hey! Sorry I’m late. Damn faculty meeting. You three look cozy though.”
I hugged Aaron tight and kissed him, feeling his scruff brush my cheek. “Cozier now that you’re here.”
We all shared a four-way embrace, them being very careful not to squash my slender frame.
“I hope you’ll be the teddy bear version tonight, buddy. Ceci, Jax and I were just talking. The other guy isn’t invited.” Xander gave Aaron a playful belly tickle.
Aaron laughed. “Don’t worry, he’s well under control. We’ve been getting along ever since he met Ceci in person. And that night this week he got to sniff her scent directly and that didn’t hurt either. He’d never do anything to upset her, especially ruining this evening.”
We got to the restaurant, a fancy looking place with chestnut wood and a massive front that had ‘Pascal’s’ written in fancy gold lettering in a semi-circle across the glass.
The temperature had cooled but in a wonderfully refreshing way. I looked through the glass to see tables packed with happy wolf and vampire faces, drinking, nibbling, laughing. As Xander had predicted, Timon was glugging from a Blood Light. He put it down and continued his chat with Reccared, who swigged from a large glass of regular beer. Mom and Pascal were hosting, their eyes and mouths glowing with happiness, as waiters flitted back and forth, serving fresh drinks and bread, in preparation for the start of the feast.
Vesta and Finnian sat close in a corner booth, fawning over each other. Vesta saw me and waved. I returned the wave vigorously. And there, standing next to their table, was my brave prince. Osric turned and his gaze met mine, his eyes bursting with love. Mr. Scowly was no more. He’d been replaced by a happy and handsome Fae.
We walked into the restaurant, and I hugged all my beloved family—my new, extended one. I thanked Timon and Reccared for their protection, and Pascal for putting on such a huge meal for so many diners. I squeezed my mom tight, feeling myself swell with happiness at how healthy she looked. And of course, I gave Vesta and Finnian a tight hug, and embraced Osric.