Aaron and Jax said the same, in so many words. Xander brushed a hand through my hair, saying, “That fucker is going down. I wonder if he’s got tasty bloo—”

“Jax!” A gruff voice shouted from the penthouse’s reception area. “Arrivals!”

I heard the door creak open a fraction, and then a voice that made me jump to my feet.

“Ceci? Ceci?!? Are you there, honey?”

“Mom?” I called out.


Iscrambled to the front door, almost knocking into the bulky NN Lupine who was holding it open.

It was her. My mom. Thank God. I threw my arms around her. “Mom! I’ve missed you so much!”

“I’ve missed you too, sweetheart.” She squeezed me tight, her hold noticeably stronger than I was expecting. Kissing my cheek several times, she brushed her palm across the crown of my head.

I felt like a little girl again and tears filled my eyes.

Our embrace eventually ended and she stood back, beaming. “Honey, I’m so happy to see you safe and well.”

My whole body was wrapped in happiness, from head to toe. “Me too! You look so healthy, I can’t believe—”

An older man was lingering several feet behind her, near the elevator. Short in stature, his hair and beard were trimmed salt and pepper, he wore an expensive-looking three-piece suit. The jacket and trousers were neatly fitted cream, but the waistcoat shone in shamrock velvet. His chestnut winklepicker shoes were reflecting the corridor’s bright lights, and he leaned on a mahogany cane topped with the largest emerald I’d ever seen.

Was this the big shot elemental Xander’s scout had spotted? His dress sense was certainly grand. He even wore a fedora hat, cream, with a rich green band, to match his outfit. Clasping my mom’s hand—I wasn’t letting her out of my sight—I smiled awkwardly at the man. “Hi, are you…”

Bowing slightly, he took off his hat and dipped his head to reveal a balding combover, saying in a smooth French accent, “Pascal Fontaine, at your service.”

“Oh, nice to meet you, Mr. Fontaine.”

“Pascal, please. And you must be the delightful Cecilia.”

I felt my cheeks warming. He had a strident charm about him, but I wasn’t going to trust him just yet.

“He’s a good friend.” My mom squeezed my arm. “Aren’t you going to invite us in? It looks like you’ve made some fancy friends too, while we’ve been apart.”

Osric was at the door and gave Jax’s pack member the nod of approval for mom and Mr. Fontaine to come in.

If Osric thought Mr. Fontaine was okay, then maybe I could too, and not worry my mom had been tricked somehow.

So in we went, and I showed them into the living room, to be properly introduced to all the guys. I wouldn’t be telling my mom I’d just let a vampire feed from me though.

My mom hugged Aaron tightly. “Professor, it’s lovely to see you again. I knew you’d do everything necessary to keep my daughter safe and happy.”

“Just thebearnecessities,” Xander quipped. The pun was awful, but under the joyous circumstances, it made me giggle.

Mom was a little sheepish with Xander. His fangs were still poking down further than usual after the fresh feeding, and his lips and tongue still glowed with an unnaturally bright ruby-colored vigor. She shook his hand rather than hugging him. “Hello, thank you for being by my daughter’s side through these challenging times.”

Xander dipped his head at both my mom and Mr. Fontaine. “More than a pleasure, an honor in fact.”

Next was Jax to be introduced. Mr. Fontaine knew about him already though, reaching out to give him a firm handshake. “Jaxon Hemming, the Sentinels’ star quarterback. I’ve watched you at a few games when I’ve managed to find time. Very impressive. I heard about that last game in New Bellevue too. Great job. Especially after those temple deplorables trying to ruin it with their hate.”

“Thank you, it’s an honor to meet both of you.” He glanced down at his scantily dressed body. “If you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll put on something more appropriate.”

“I’ll do the same,” Aaron said and followed Jax.

That left Osric, who stood and smiled at my mom giving her warm greetings, then he bowed his head slightly at Mr. Fontaine, saying, “I think I met you once, when I was a child. You were a guest at my mother’s court. Or am I confusing you with someone else?”