“So you’re saying I should just go for it?”

She squeezed my hand and nodded. “Of course. You’re the leader of the largest and strongest coven in New Lincoln. And I know the position was thrust upon you after your parents died. I know the crown hangs heavy on that young head of yours, and that you probably curse it at times.”

Looking at her in silence, my eyes confirmed the truth of what she’d said.

She turned my hand over, tracing along the lines in my palm, as if reading their unique story. “But the Fates put you in this place, whether you want it or not. If you cower in fear, afraid of things that may or may not happen, what hope do those beneath you have?”


Jabbing her index finger downwards twice, she said, “There’s a whole building full of vampires who look to you for guidance, for strength. Do you want them to think you’re afraid of taking a human lover?”

“Well, no. I’m not afraid, not exactly…”

Leaning back into the couch, she said, “And anyway, it sounds like your biggest problem will be getting her to like you more to begin with, no?”

“That’s actually coming along nicely, but not in the way you’d think. She responds to my gestures, just ones other than trying to directly seduce her.”

“I see. Such as?”

“Her mom’s gone missing, and I’ve had teams out looking for her, inquiring all over the city, checking everywhere for her.”

“That’s nice of you.”

“I want to help my love, any way I can.”

She nodded. “Good. Any progress?”

“Maybe. One of the young grunts apparently saw a woman of her mom’s description yesterday. But I’m not sure. She was seen with some big shot elemental, a guy who mixes in certain select circles. It doesn’t ring true to me. I’ve got people looking into it further though.”

Persephone held up her drink, beckoning me to clink it with my can. “Well, let them look, and think no more of it tonight. Cheers. Here’s to one hell of a party coming up.”

I clinked my Blood Light against her glass, sighing. The damn coven party on Saturday. I wasn’t in the mood for it, being far too distracted by Cecilia and possible conflicts with the guys over her. Especially Jax, who still seemed to hate me.

My face must have betrayed my feelings.

“And don’t give me that look, dear nephew. It’s the biggest gathering of the year, and youhaveto be there.”

Leaning into my chair, I drained the can dry. I’d be there. But my mind would be with Cecilia and with the guys too, hoping we were on the way to forming a coven of our own. Hoping that they’d accept my proposal and form a life together.

I loved her, to the very depths of my soul in such a short time, and respected them all already. I approved of them to share her love. Could they approve of me too?


Aaron and I were sharing, but not with Xander.

Just the day after Xander floated the idea, Aaron and I seemed to be interacting as one with Ceci, being there for her when the other couldn’t, texting and chatting like longtime friends, meeting up in the early evening for a walk with her, each of us holding one of her hands. And, of course, we were both by her side in the continuing search for her mom.

After another day with no progress on that score, we’d decided to try and cheer Ceci up with pizza and a funny movie. It had actually been Osric’s idea.

Ceci sat in the middle of the small couch, Aaron and I on either side. Aaron had an arm around her shoulders and was absentmindedly stroking her hair. I had a hand on her bare thigh, as she ate and relaxed in shorts and a tank.

Without giving much thought to it myself, I stroked up and down her soft skin.

She sighed, leaning her head against my shoulder while she reached over for Aaron. He gave her his free hand and twined their fingers together. She nuzzled into me.

Just like earlier in the day, all three of us were connected in a way that felt natural.

I never thought I’d be in a relationship where I shared my girl with a bear, but it worked. Really well.