Without thinking, Juniper started running. From the density of the trees, she could tell that she was in the deeper parts of the forest. The vampire was too fast and had disappeared completely from her vision, but she ran in the direction of the town.

As she tore through the forest, she remembered images from years ago, the last time she had run so hard and fast. Then, there had been hooting and laughter behind her. It seemed like so long ago.

This was different in so many ways, but still very similar. She was again running toward the man she loved. Only this time, the stakes were as high as they could ever be.

Chapter 18 - Rowan

All Rowan could see in his vision was a red haze. Deep in his mind, he recognized Articus. He knew the white-coated wolf, knew its scent, knew the voice. He knew it was Articus, but he snapped for his neck, biting for the kill.

They had bared teeth at each other before, but they were young cubs then. They had never fought before, nor attacked each other. He understood why Articus restrained him now, but all he saw was red.

‘Control yourself, Rowan!’he heard the wolf say to him. ‘Control yourself. We will figure this out together. We will recover your mate and your child. But first, you must control yourself.’

The words were not spoken aloud to Rowan, but he felt them reverberate through his entire body. He couldn’t break the lock that Articus had him in.

If only he could just—

He felt extra weight on him. His chest bumped against the ground and the pressure increased around his torso. He snarled and snapped, spit dripping from his jaw in his fury.

He felt something cold wrapping against his ankles and his knees. In a few moments, he realized he couldn’t move anymore. He was completely bound, and all his efforts at thrashing only tightened the bonds around him.

Belatedly, he realized that he could pick up multiple scents in the room. Through the red haze, he could pick up at least four other scents. He knew these people. Had known them for years.

His friends had gathered in his study, crowding the spacious room. He strained against the bonds and glanced down to see that several large chains secured him firmly.

Articus had transformed back into his human form, and he leaned on his knees, breathing heavily. It had taken a lot for him to restrain Rowan alone before reinforcements had arrived.

The Yeti propped Rowan up against the wall, so that he could see the full room despite his bondage. Rowan saw that all his friends were present, standing around him in a protective ring.

Slowly, he felt the red haze retreating from his vision. He was still angry and afraid for Juniper, but he lost the desire to murder and destroy everything in his path.

He still stoked a small fire in his heart. That fire of hatred burned for one person only. The vampire who had taken his mate. He thought about a hundred different ways he was going to kill him. He was going to rip his heart out with his bare hands. If he still had a heart.

The thought warmed Rowan like a forge. He imagined the vampire with his head separated from his withered body and felt a small measure of comfort. He was going to get back at him for touching Juniper. Whatever harm had come to her, he planned to repay several fold.

The healer rushed into the room. He took one glance at Rowan, then proceeded to treat Elena’s injuries. She had already started healing in some places, so she looked better than when she had arrived.

Articus briefed the rest of the group on everything he knew. He told them all that Rowan had told him earlier, and then he told them about Juniper and how she had been taken by the vampire.

Articus proceeded to take charge of things. Rowan was in no condition to lead. Articus summoned the steward and asked him to issue a lockdown of the town. They needed everyone locked safely in their houses.

The vampire had entered the town. Had killed someone. Things had gotten more dangerous than anyone could have anticipated. And they had to act fast.

Fannar drilled Elena about what she had seen, and asked for details about her fight with the vampire.

Elena cackled drily. “Fight? That wasn’t a fight. That was a beating. I barely managed to get my hands up before it ripped into me with the force of a bear and the speed of a fox. I have never seen anything like that in my life before. I think we are in big trouble.”

The room fell silent and the alphas exchanged glances with each other. Asher spoke up first. “Did he give any indications why he took your sister?”

Elena gave him an incredulous look. “If he did, I didn’t notice. I was too busy picking pieces off my ass off the curb.” She sighed and slumped into her seat. “What do we do?”

The question hung over the room like a thick cloud of black smoke. No one had an answer to Elena’s question. No one knew how to find the vampire in the woods with powers like she had just described.

Worse, they had no idea if Juniper was still alive. Rowan didn’t want to think about what could have happened to her. Instead, he turned it into fuel. He converted his anxiety into hate, and found one more reason to give the vampire a slow, painful death.

There was a low rumble in the distance, and the room grew dark all of a sudden. Almost every eye turned toward the window. The skies had gone dark and a strong wind blew into the study.

Articus and Rowan locked eyes. “He’s here,” Rowan said coolly. “Take off these chains.”